
Development of a Digital Platform  Ref: RAM/2022/ED/AD/124

Dear Sir/Madam,

You are invited to submit an offer for the development of a digital platform that strengthens teachers and students’ capacities in STEM education and serves as an incubator for innovation and sustainable development in accordance with the present solicitation document.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) can be found here consists of this cover page and the following Annexes, 

Annex I             Instructions to Offerors

Annex II            General Conditions of Contract

Annex III           Terms of Reference (TOR)

Annex IV          Proposal Submission Form

Annex V            Price Offer

Annex VI          Vendor Information Form

Your offer comprising of technical proposal and financial proposal, in separate files, should be submitted by email and reach the following address [email protected] no later than 4 October, 2022 15:59 Ramallah local time without any copy to any other e-mail addresses and with the subject as: RFP ED Ref: RAM/2022/ED/AD/124.

Offers addressed to any other e-mail accounts will be disqualified. Please note that all files exceeding 10MB must be sent in batches clearly marked as “Batch 1 and Batch 2, etc.”.

if you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE to check the tender documents,

المكان القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا, سلفيت وبديا, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية, طوباس, روابي
موعد الإنتهاء 04, Oct, 2022
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