Development of a Digital Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountabil...


Greetings from MIFTAH!

For the years 2022-2026, MIFTAH identified three main strategic objectives that the organization’s programs and interventions are geared towards their realization:

Specific Objective 1: Enhanced policies and practices in line with civil rights and social justice in Palestine. 

Specific Objective 2: Enhanced promotion of the Palestinian narrative at the international level.

Specific Objective 3: Improved effective institutional and human capacity development at Miftah

For more information on MIFTAH’s strategy, please follow the link.

the Palestinian initiative for the promotion of global dialogue and democracy (

 As Such MIFTAH is willing to develop a Digital Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) System.

We invite you to submit your proposal for carrying out these services based on the attached TOR no later than 31 October 2022 on the following email address: [email protected]. The proposal should describe your approach to the assignment and include the following components:

  • Company profile /CVs of the relevant team.
  • Detailed methodology, with a special focus on digitization specifications, and timeline of the assignment.
  • Sample of previous experience.
  • The financial proposal in EUR as follows:
  • Including VAT for registered companies.
  • Including income tax. Kindly provide us with a deduction at source certificate. In case of unavailability, 10% will be deducted for income tax.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone: 02-2989490 or by email at [email protected]

Terms of Reference

Development of a digital Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) System

October 2022


MIFTAH was established in 1998 as an independent Palestinian civil society institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue. MIFTAH’s main work during its beginning was on political concerns especially opening dialogue on final status issues, disseminating the Palestinian narrative on regional and international levels in addition to working on the local and national levels to support building the Palestinian state. Ever since its establishment and especially after the fall of the Camp David peace negotiations in 2000, MIFTAH was dedicated to Palestinian nation-building and empowerment on the basis of the principles of democracy, human rights, rule of law, and participatory governance. MIFTAH was one of the first Palestinian NGOs to realize the importance of institution building and democracy to ensure state building, in parallel with the political process, after the failure of the peace talks and the invasion of the West Bank that followed. In support of good governance and democracy, MIFTAH used to and continues to influence public policy formulation for safeguarding citizens’ rights, and enhance justice and rule of law with a special focus on marginalized segments of Palestinian society especially women and youth.

Our mission is to promote the principles of democracy and good governance within various components of Palestinian society; it further seeks to engage local and international public opinion and official circles on the Palestinian cause. To that end, MIFTAH adopts the mechanisms of active and in-depth dialogue, the free flow of information and ideas, as well as local and international networking.

About The Assignment:

During the last few years, MIFTAH by experience started following a results-based management approach and is currently seeking to institutionalize this approach by developing a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) system, and herby develop a comprehensive digital Monitoring and Evaluation system building on its strategy document, logical framework, and indicator tracking table. To that end, MIFTAH is seeking the expertise of a Monitoring and Evaluation expert to support MIFTAH in setting up the system. More specifically, the expert would be expected to help MIFTAH in:

Review MIFTAH MEAL framework, including SMART indicators, and reasonable targets, and develop data collection and verification tools, MEAL policies, and matrix of responsibilities.

Develop the MEAL digital system that can be updated by MIFTAH staff. The system should be simple, decentralized, and requires minimum effort.

Develop MIFTAH results-based reporting system, including action plans and reporting templates.

Present the digital system to MIFTAH Team and provide necessary follow-up and guidance

The consultant shall prepare a plan for the task implementation that includes MIFTAH’s team and based on the main areas of intervention; MIFTAH requests that the process is highly participatory with strong engagement of the team. The development of the digital MEAL system should include but need not be limited to the meaningful participation of the program director and team and the development director.

Assignment Timeframe:

To ensure the assignment is properly implemented, MIFTAH seeks to have all the deliverables ready by January 2023 and hereby seeks the engagement of the consultant by early October 2022.

The number of working days will be 20 working days at most over the course of not more than three months from the signing of the contract.

An outline of deadlines for deliverables is as follows:

Week 1: Conduct a desk review of MIFTAH’s documents; Strategic Plan, Logical Framework, M&E plan, indicator tracking table in addition to other relevant documents.

Week 2Provide MIFTAH with a detailed action plan and methodology for the assignment

Weeks 3 – 7Work with MIFTAH's team to develop the digital MEAL system. This system is to include performance indicators, and related targets, methodologies for measuring these, an M&E action plan with reporting frequencies, data collecting formats and tools, responsibilities, and procedures. It should also clearly demonstrate how the indicators (and monitoring framework) will measure the impact.

Week 8 -11: Delivery and testing of the digital system and making necessary adjustments. This will also include training MIFTAH's staff on the use of tools and system.

Week 12: Final versions of all deliverables submitted to MIFTAH.

Qualifications of Applicant

  • At least five (5) years of professional experience in the development of M&E digital systems and/or performance-based management.
  • At least five (5) years of experience in planning and executing M&E programs.
  • Excellent technical and IT skills.
  • Demonstrates a good understanding of structures and work of NGOs.
  • Demonstrated excellence in interpersonal communication skills, with a strong emphasis on verbal and written communication.
  • Demonstrated technical expertise in implementing complex M&E performance management plans that cover strategic plans and not just projects.
  • Experience coordinating and facilitating training sessions and workshops.
  • Experience in the development of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools and instruments.


المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 31, Oct, 2022
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