



Development of Revenue Enhancement Plans in 55 LGUs including Deficit Reduction Strategies (where needed) in the West Bank


Background: USAID Communities Thrive Project aims to improve municipal revenue streams and fiscal management of municipalities, increase the accountability and transparency of local governments, enhance delivery and management of the municipal services and the effectiveness of local governments’ operations, and improve the regulatory and policy framework for municipal governance.  

Request for Proposals:

The objective of this assignment is to develop Revenue Enhancement Plans in 55 Municipalities including Deficit Reduction Strategies in 29 of those Municipalities in accordance with this Tetra Tech-developed SOW. These plans will be developed in close consultation with the Municipalities, with the goal of institutionalizing improved procedures and planning where feasible (including identifying challenges and impediments to that goal and ways to address them). The overarching objective is to build capacity of the target Municipalities through on-the-job coaching and provision of templates, tools and guidelines, with the final results shared by CTP and the Consultancy company through a community of practice workshop to promote peer learning and sharing of common problems and solutions.

Firm(s) will be selected under the quality and cost based selection methods and procedures described in the RFP. A full set of RFP documents can be requested by the email shown below. Interested eligible bidders can send queries for further detail or information no later than 12 Noon on March 21th, 2018.

Consultancy Field

Development of Revenue Enhancement Plans in 55 LGUs including Deficit Reduction Strategies (where needed) in the West Bank

Deadline for submission of clarifications or questions

By March 21th, 2018 (12 Noon)

[email protected]

Deadline for submission of proposal

April 1st , 2018 (12 Noon)

Proposal Components

The proposal should be delivered in two separate sealed envelopes:

-Technical proposal (2 Copies)

-Financial proposal (1 Copy)

Address for proposal submission  

Communities Thrive Project -

Tetra Tech ARD | USAID Contractor

Second Floor, Building 48, AlTeera Main St., Ramallah

T. 9702-295-2902/22

Interested firms can Request a Copy from RFP by Sending a Request email to

[email protected]

Local firms can partner with other local, regional or international firms if they see they added value.

All newspaper advertisement fees will be paid by the selected service provider.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 21, Mar, 2018
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