
Digital Content Creation training services

Tender No.: G.CD.AFD.230.2021

ACTED and MA’AN Development Centre are currently implementing a three-year project, “Supporting Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Palestinian Territory through Digital Inclusion,” in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD). The project’s general objective is to bypass the obstacles to development in the occupied Palestinian territories through utilizing the potential of digital tools. The specific objective of the project is to enhance young Palestinians’ employability through the improvement of their digital perspectives. These objectives will be achieved through three main results:

Result 1. Reinforcing capacities and coordination mechanisms for key digital stakeholders

Result 2. Improving access to digital literacy resources for young Palestinians

Result 3. Providing resources and tools for young Palestinian entrepreneurs to materialize their business ideas.

This project entails material support to selected structures (3 in West Bank and 5 in Gaza Strip) to enhance access to digital opportunities for the most marginalized groups. The material support included rehabilitation of some structures and equipment delivery including computers, printers, solar system, etc. In addition to supplying digital equipment to the structures, the project will offer digital trainings to the structures’ staff to improve their digital perspectives in Cyber security and Digital Content Creation.

The digital inclusion project is seeking competent and qualified consultation firm to provide training in Digital Content Creation to the 8 project’s structures and support their staff through interactive online training sessions on how to create an effective social media content strategy and provide them with the tools and resources to implement professional content creation skills on various digital media platforms.

Interested applicants can receive the TOR by sending a message to the below email no later than August 15 2021, interested entities shall submit their offers, including CV, any supported documents, and the ToR in closed envelops signed and stamped not later than 18 August 2021 at 4:00 PM. to the following address:

Main Office – Ramallah

MA’AN Development Centre 

Alnahdah Building – 5th Floor

Emil Habibi Street

Almaysoon – Ramallah

Mailing Address: PO Box 51793, Jerusalem

Tel: 970 - 2 - 2954451

Gaza Branch Office

MA’AN Development Centre
Gaza – Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square
Al Motaz 2 Building – Ground Floor
Next to the Blood Bank Building
Mailing Address: PO Box 5165, Gaza
Tel: 970 – 8 – 2823712

Email: [email protected]

mobile: 0567732137                                                                              

المكان قطاع غزة, رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 18, Aug, 2021
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