Disability Inclusion in Gender Based Violence Programming


Purpose of the Consultancy

The consultant is required to design training to build the capacity of GBV staff to incorporate disability inclusion into their work. It assumes that participants already have at least a basic understanding of GBV, its causes and consequences. The training module must be design to support GBV practitioners to understand the intersections of disability, health and gender and violence in the communities where they work; and develop ideas and strategies to improve inclusion of persons with disabilities in GBV programming through the systematization of data and information, case management and referral of GBV (including the disability dimension). With this goal and prior to the training a review and update of the GBV data collection sheet including indicators to guarantee the data collection of GBV cases with disabilities must be done. Workshops and discussions will be hold with key actors in the sector like the working disability group and the GBV sub-cluster.

Application Submission and Deadline

The individual/consulting team must submit a technical and financial offer (maximum 10 pages) including the following:   

- Methodology and work schedule. 
- Objectives of the consultancy. 
- Scope (temporary, etc.). 
-Composition of the consultant team. 
- CV of the individual/ consulting team. 
- Past relevant experiences. 
- Detailed budget of the offer in EURO(the budget must be presented in a table format with an indication of the following: fees, travel expenses, space rental, hospitality/lunch services, printing materials, stationery and transportation of participants and any other expenses, with the breakdown of the price per unit and the number of units). 

The consultancy budget must include all deliverables and translation in Arabic and English of all materials produced. The consultant is required to ensure the implementation of onsite training in Gaza Strip. The consultant should include in the financial offer the price for development of training materials, space rental, and hospitality services.

Note: Knowing that income tax will be deduct at 10% of the contract value if individual consultant and that the project is VAT exempt if company selected.

Interested applicants must send the technical proposal and financial proposal in EURO (in English) by e-mail to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, 31st of August 2022 at 15:59 PM local time in Palestine and include the “Disability Inclusion in Gender Based Violence APS” in the subject. Applications received after this date will not be consider. Only short-listed candidates will be contact. All materials must be submit in the languages specified.

Attached: Tender Docs.
المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 31, Aug, 2022
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