Enhancing the long term profitability of small scale farmers...


Terms of Reference – AMENCA3 Program Review

Program title: Enhancing the long term profitability of small scale farmers and producers
Program Funding: Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement, (AMENCA3)
Donor: Australian Government (DFAT)
Location: West Bank (Jenin) and Gaza Strip, occupied Palestinian Territories
Reporting to: Jeremy Smith, Quality, Impact and M&E Manager, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA,
Merna Ziadeh, Project Manager, Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association- Asala
Duration: May-June 2018 in consultation with evaluator
Completion date: No later than 7 June 2018

Program Background:

AMENCA3 Program

The Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement, (AMENCA3) (the program) is a part of Australia’s development cooperation with the occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt). The program aims to increase the profits of small-scale farmers, processors and entrepreneurs through quality market connections

The program is a partnership between the Australian Government and Australian NGOs linking NGO activities and expertise to Australia’s development cooperation strategy for the Middle East. The program commenced in early 2016 over five years (2016-2020).

APHEDA Project: “Enhancing the long term profitability of small scale farmers and producers”
The project goal feeds into the overall AMENCA3 program outcomes.

In 2016, ASALA launched the “Women’s Rights to Inheritance” campaign trhough the
AMENCA 3 project. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness of women’s inheritance rights according to Islamic law (Shari'a). It primarily focuses on women’s right to inherit agricultural properties such as lands, income from land and related agribusinesses. Accessing these resources is the key to women’s empowerment, particularly for women working in the agricultural sector. The campaign has been implemented in the particularly selected communities namely Jenin District (northern part of the West Bank) and Gaza. However, the main activities conducted within this campaign were channelled to address any challenges or hardships hindering women from inheriting any type of agricultural resources as well as to encourage their male counterparts to help them overcome these challenges.

The project is funded by the Australian Government (DFAT) and implemented by APHEDA consortium of three implementing partners Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association - ASALA, MAAN Development Centre, and Institute for Community Partnership ICP. ASALA aims specifically within this project to empower women to realize their rights to inheritance and their rights from working in the agriculture sector, which is in accordance with Asala’s overall mission to empower women to realize their social and economic rights, and as ASALA achieves its mission through various types of advocacy and awareness raising methodologies.
The project is implemented at the national level, in two areas in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Jenin district in the northern West Bank, and within Gaza Strip.

Project Goal: To increase the profits of small-scale farmers, processors and entrepreneurs through quality market connections

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Request for proposal format

Interested consultants shall submit the required hard copies and one soft copy of their technical (company profile, relevant experience in conducting similar assignments, CVs of the proposed consultant(s)), a budget proposal, and a one-page cover letter stating how they satisfy the criteria to “Asala” to the below address no later than May 6th, 2018 at 12:00 PM local time.

We are open to expressions of interest from evaluators from both Palestine and outside who may be prepared to make a joint evaluation team.

Address is:
Khalaf Trade Tower Bldg, 2nd Floor, Al-Bireh, Ramallah
Palestinian Authority
Tel: 02-241-3035, Fax: 02-241-3036
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.asala-pal.org

Please note that international flights and accommodation will not be covered by APHEDA and budget proposals must include a daily rate breakdown in line with the above timeframe of deliverables.

Annex 1:Documents to be provided to the evaluation consultant

The evaluator shall consider all relevant documentation, including the following:

AMENCA3 program baseline report.
AMENCA3 M&E Guidance
Outline of all program activities in West Bank and Gaza
Annual Synthesis Reports.
Other relevant materials or documents

المكان قطاع غزة, جنين
موعد الإنتهاء 06, May, 2018
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