

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

MA’AN has been working on implementing a project entitled “Humanitarian Preparedness and Response to Ensure the Access of Vulnerable Communities in Shokit Al Sofi to Basic WASH Services”. The project is funded by the Government of Canada.

MA’AN is seeking a consulting firm to elaborate an environment and social impact assessment (ESIA) in order to ascertain the possible environmental and social impacts of the infrastructural subcomponents; detail the possible environmental and social impacts of the construction and maintenance works; and to manage, mitigate, and monitor any possible negative impacts during the design, construction and operational phases of the project; and where possible enhance positive impacts. The assessment should be carried out in conformity with requirements of the Palestinian Environmental Assessment Policy, with the following minimum qualifications:

  • A high academic degree in related fields;
  • Proven expertise working in conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
  • Proven knowledge of WASH situation in the Gaza Strip

Interested consultant firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip  from 13th June 2018 – 21st June 2018  and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 26th  June 2018 (before 02:00 pm) at MA’AN Development Center office in Gaza, Palestine (Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square,Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor Next to Blood Bank Building, Tel.: 08-2823712)

  • The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • Financial Offer must be in USD , Excluding VAT
المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 26, Jun, 2018
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