EoI for New Partnerships in Palestine


Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for New Partnerships in Palestine


We Effect is a Swedish development organisation founded by the Swedish cooperative movement. We are guided by our global strategies which mainly focus on rural development and gender equality. We Effect’s country office in Palestine are currently looking to partner with qualified member-based Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s), Unions and associations that are registered and active in Palestine.

About We Effect

We Effect works in more than 25 countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa since 1958. We Effect uses a human rights-based approach to development empowering people living in poverty to secure their rights and entitlements to adequate living conditions. We Effect targets women in partner organisations to secure them the same rights and entitlements as men, especially to own and control land and access to financial resources. The core strategy is to strengthen cooperatives of women and men living in poverty through membership-based democracy, long-term economic thinking, social responsibility and transparency. Furthermore, We Effect targets women in partner organisations to secure the same rights and entitlements as men, especially to own and control land and access financial resources. Two main thematic fields are pursued: Sustainable Rural Development and Adequate Housing.

To achieve its objectives, We Effect works in partnership with local civil society organisations (including cooperatives, farmer unions as well as other member-based organisations).

We Effect in Palestine

We Effect has been active in Palestine since 1998.  Our support to local organisations in Palestine is gathered in the programme Equality First in Palestine 2019-2022.

In Palestine, We Effect mainly operates in the thematic field of Rural Development and uses a broad approach not only related to agricultural development but also as a community development framework, diversification of rural economy, networking between rural actors etc. Within the rural development field, the programme has identified the following strategic focus areas;

  1. Organisation development– support and strengthen member-based organisations active in rural development to deliver quality services to their members and to be a voice for their members, creating an enabling framework for economic development.


  1. Civil society strengthening - strengthen collaboration through national networks and platforms. Participating organisations are strengthened to advocate for members’ rights, influencing policies and legal frameworks.


  1. Business and production development – Promotion of agriculture as business

improving access to financial services, linkages to markets, value addition as well as value

chain development. Promote cooperation to create an enabling environment for small-scale holders. Adaptation and resilience of farmers as response to impact of climate change.


  1. Gender equality – Focus is on women’s’ economic empowerment through access to economic opportunities and control over resources, as well as women in leadership positions and participation in decision making. A focus will also be given to addressing and advocating against Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Invitation for Expression of Interest

We Effect is currently looking for qualified organisations which are registered and active in Palestine for potential partnership in the following prioritized working areas:

  • Promotion of socio-economic development in rural areas.
  • Strengthening the voice of rural population.
  • Promotion of Gender Equality in rural development with focus on access to resources and decision-making for women in rural areas; land, economic opportunities, financial services, leadership, and addressing and advocating against GBV
  • Sustainable rural development and climate change adaptation.

Organisations are welcome to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) no later than March 30, 2019. The EoI should include the following;

  • Short description of the work of the organisation including the main field of work (organisation’s strategy is accepted).
  • Organisation’s registration
  • Organisational structure
  • List of implemented projects
  • Concept note- not longer than 1 page of proposed interventions in line with We Effect focus areas as mentioned above.
  • Web site address if available

The following documents are attached to this EoI and should be reviewed by all applying organisations;

Only organisations fulfilling the We Effect partnership criteria will be considered.

Contact Info:

We Effect Country Office

By email: [email protected]

Fax: (02) 241 3951

Phone: (02)241 2950

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 30, Mar, 2019
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