
“A Company /Firm to Establish the Baladia Meter System”
Reference Code: APLA/UNDP-TEA- RFPQ-02-2024

The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) founded in 1997, APLA is an independent organization mandated to represent and lobby for the collective interests of Local Government Units (LGUs) by supporting capacity building among local governments, facilitating exchange of knowledge and best practices, and serving as vehicle for dialogue between the central government and LGUs. APLA is a semi-governmental nonprofit association that forms a comprehensive framework, which holds all the Palestinian local authorities and works for and with them, to provide better services for the Palestinian citizen by defending their rights, and representing them on all levels nationally, regionally, and internationally.

Project Brief:
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) implements the programme of “Transparency, Evidence, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Accountability TEA³”, and as a part of this programme, UNDP signed a grant agreement with APLA to execute the project of “Enhancing Accountability and Transparency of Palestinian Local Government Units (LGUs) through different activities and interventions.

The Main Objective of The Assignment:
To enhance transparent and efficient communication between Local Government Units (LGUs) and citizens, fostering accountability and participation. Through development of the “Baladia Meter Portal” As well as providing training and accountability sessions with the citizens. Company/Firm can obtain the Specific Objectives of the Assignment through the website of APLA at (https://www.apla.ps/library).

RFPQ’s Conditions:
1. Interested Company/Firm may obtain the detailed information and inspect the bidding document through the website of APLA at (https://www.apla.ps/library).
2. Clarifications and details about the assignment can be obtained from the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA), Activities Coordinator, on mobile no. +970 593171904, email: s.rabee@apla.ps , during office working hours (Sunday to Thursday, 8:00 AM to 04:00 PM) at the address given below from 09 May. 2024 to 23 May .2024.
3. The RFPQ’s documents in English may be downloaded from the APLA website(https://www.apla.ps/library).
4. Offers must be hand-submitted signed by the company in a sealed envelopes (Financial and technical offers separately) and delivered to the Administrative Assistant at the address below on or before 3:00 PM. of 23 May.2024. Late offers will be rejected. Electronic offers will not be permitted.
5. Publishing and advertising fees of the RFPQ on who wins the tender.
6. The RFPQ fees is 100 USD.

APLA Address:
The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities - APLA
2nd Floor - Safad Building - 10 Jabra Al Anqar Street -
Al-Masion- Ramallah - Palestine
T: +970 2 296 0712 F: +970 2 296 0713

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 23, May, 2024
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