Establishment of LTAs for Supply & Delivery of Sodium Hypoch...



The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is in the process of Establishing of Long Term Arrangement for Supply and Distribution of Sodium Hypochlorite for water production and treatment facilities all over Gaza Strip Governorates.

Offers must be received at the above address by latest 15:00 hours (Jerusalem time) on 21 November 2018 and will be opened at 11:00 (Jerusalem time) on 22 November 2018. Bids received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.

Please refer to the bid document and the attached technical specifications. Offers must be sent separately using and bid form and schedule(s) to UNICEF SoP – Gaza with sealed envelope.

Please refer to LITB 2018-9144188 (bid document) and its attachments for further details including the terms and conditions and minimum requirements.


المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 21, Nov, 2018
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