EU Service Providers Database for: Communication and Events...



EU Service Providers Database for:

 Communication and Events Management 

The Office of the European Union Representative (EUREP) aims at creating a database of Palestinian companies providing services related to communication/public relations and events management. This database will be one of the sources for EUREP to identify and invite tenderers for those specific services. The services are to be performed in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Interested companies are invited to send an email to [email protected]  before 05 February 2021 including the following information:

Official Name of the company
Area of expertise: (communication and/or events management)
Contact person
Email address
Phone Number
المكان قطاع غزة, القدس, رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 05, Feb, 2021
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