External Auditor
Palestine: The Mediterranean Bee Hubs project (MedBEESinessHubs) is looking for an external auditor
Mediterranean Bee Hubs (MedBEESinessHubs) is a 2 years project 90% funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med program for a total amount of 1.1 million euros. It is implemented and co-financed by The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, A.M. Filagrotiki Symvouleftiki Ltd, Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Zahle and the Bekaa, The Palestinian Business Women’s Association – ASALA, and Arab Italian Chamber of Cooperation.
The Palestinian Business women association - Asala , Partner 4 of the MedBEESinessHubs project, is looking for an external auditor to take charge of the validation and certification of the expenses incurred by Asala within the framework of the project.
This notice is addressed to chartered Audit Company meeting the criteria cited in the terms of reference (attached document), in order to submit the verification of expenditure and income reports to Asala in accordance with the procedure. of expenditure verification described in the audit file ( see the audit file ).
Submission procedures:
Interested Consultants should send their proposal and price offer to the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association ASALA Office Albireh – Hamoudeh AlDerawi tower – 4th floor in sealed and signed envelopes no longer than April 14th, 2022 (1:00 PM).
The submission is presented in one-step. It includes the technical offer and the financial offer, as well as all the documents and documents requested in the terms of reference.
The envelope must mention the following specification: Selection of an Auditor for Asala / Palestinian partner within the framework of the MedBEESinessHubs project “Not to be opened before the evaluation session.”
Useful information
For more information on the ENI CBC Med program ( link )
For more information on the MedBEESinessHubs project ( link )
For more information on Asala ( link )
Noor Zaben, Financial Officer, Asala – PP4 – MedBEESinessHubs
Tel: +972 2 298 5892 / Mobile: +972 595 988 898 / Fax: +972 2 298 5884
Mail: [email protected]
MedBEESinessHubs_Palestinian_Terms of reference auditor selection April 15th, 2022. pdf