Feasibility Study
CBM is seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct a Feasibility Study to assess the feasibility of the project “Promoting inclusive and resilient communities in the West Bank by strengthening local capacities” that is planned to be proposed to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) by CBM and its partner organisation QADER for Community Development in Palestine.
The project is planned to be implemented in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, West Bank, starting from September 2023. The consultant will systematically check the extent to which the project approach can plausibly achieve the planned changes under the existing framework conditions. The study duration is 5-6 weeks.
QADER for Community Development is a non-profit organization based in Bethlehem and operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 2008, which focuses on the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities. CBM is a Christian international development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world.
The proposed project aims to contribute to enhancing the social, economic, and political participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in community based inclusive development in the West Bank through targeting Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates. The project is designed based on the participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities. It strives to promote active participation and engagement of community stakeholders including local authorities, young females and males including those with disabilities, CBOs and OPDs. The proposed interventions are vital for strengthening the capacities of CBOs, OPDs to ensure inclusiveness, efficacy, and compliance with the principle of “leave no one behind”, and support youth teams in implementing advocacy and awareness raising campaigns to enhance the role and commitment of duty bearers towards the rights and needs of Persons with Disabilities.
The study will determine the feasibility of the proposed project by assessing whether it is well founded and meets the demand identified. It will provide decision makers with sufficient information on the project opportunities and risks as well as concrete recommendations for improving the project concept. The study will be submitted to BMZ together with the project proposal.
Expression of Interest
The consultant is expected to submit both the technical and financial proposal including a description of the consultancy firm, CV of suggested team members, an outline of the understanding of these TORs and suggested methodology, and a detailed work plan for the entire assignment. A detailed budget for the expected assignment shall include all costs expected to conduct a disability inclusive and participatory study, and taxes according to the rules and regulations of the consultants’ local tax authorities.
CBM reserves the right to terminate the contract in case the agreed consultant/s are unavailable at the start or during the assignment.
All expressions of interest should be submitted by email to:
info.em@cbm.org by 22nd August 2022.
You may obtain the Terms of Reference docuement from QADER's Website HERE