Field Representatives
Terms of Reference
Consultancy- Field representative
Scaling Up FFBS in Palestine
CARE International in Palestine West Bank/Gaza
July, 2023
A-Introduction and Background:
CARE International began work in Palestine (WBG) in 1948, created in the wake of the Palestinian refugee crisis. Over seventy years later, CARE’s scope of work has evolved and is addressing a range of humanitarian needs, and support activities that promote stability and economic opportunities.
CARE’s vision is of a world in which poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security. We hold gender equality to be a fundamental requirement for poverty reduction and social justice, and the area in which we see the most pressing need for global change in order to reach our vision. Together with gender inequality, we recognize humanitarian crises – including conflict, disasters and situations of chronic insecurity – as among the most important threats to realizing our vision for a just world. In partnership with others, we deliver impactful, sustainable and evidence-driven results because of our long-term commitment to communities and our focus on addressing the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice.
CARE Palestine WBG is implementing a project titled “Scaling Up Farmer Field and Business Schools (FFBS) and we are seeking field representative to support implementation of project field activities. FFBS is an integrated, participatory and transformative approach that CARE uses to enhance farmer knowledge and skills as well as promote access to input and output markets.
Through the Scaling Up FFBS project, CARE will focus on small and medium -scale herders in Jenin, Nablus, Tubas, and Jericho governorates, specifically the small ruminant herders who live in Area C and B, some of whom are Bedouin, who are affected by climate change impacts, increasingly shrinking range & pasture areas, less access to water and by threats of evacuation and demolition of their structures and field crops lands. It is important to note, that the participant group includes herders with whom CARE has worked under different projects, and who are already connected with milk collection hubs and sell their fresh milk to private sector actors (aggregators and processors); this project will support the inclusion of women and youth in the agricultural sector in the sheep and goat VC.
CARE Palestine WBG seeks to initiate Scaling Up FFBS project in Jenin, Nablus ,Tubas and Jericho governorates of the northern West Bank, aligning the FFBS approach to the local context to address the ongoing restrictions to access to inputs and resources, including water and grazing areas, and lack of technical capacities that inhibit the production capabilities, as well as the prevailing norms that prevent the inclusion and leadership of women in the agricultural sector and finally, the negative environmental effects plaguing these areas. When able to increase their production, decrease their animal mortalities and losses, decrease production cost, and increase their profit, small-scale producers will be more food secure and able to maintain and expand their farming activities and increase the number of their flocks. CARE will contribute to increasing the capacity of small-scale producers to improve food and nutrition security, sustainability, and resilience of the targeted communities. Driven by market demand, experience in sheep and goats’ management and restrictions to access and trade, sheep and goats are a source of food, fertilizer and income, herders and Bedouins are amongst the most marginalized populations in the West Bank. Hence the need to support and enhance their farming practices, increase their food and nutrition security and their contribution to the economy, and protect their lands, particularly in areas under threat of settlement expansion. The engagement with the different actors like MoA extension department, and the private sector (PS), will ensure sustainability and scalability to cover other areas across the West Bank.
The interested consultant should submit their offer to CARE email address: [email protected]
If you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE to check the tender document