Final Evaluation Consultancy


SCCF and its Partner NECC are looking for a consulting firm able to perform the final evaluation of the project “Access to employment for NECC graduates in the Gaza Strip” that was undertaken in the period 2017 – 2020.

Project Background:

SCCF has supported the 3-years project of its partner NECC: “Access to employment for NECC graduates in the Gaza Strip”. In this partnership, SCCF is a financial and technical partner for NECC which is considered the implementing partner. To finance this co-funded project, SCCF has signed a co-funding agreement with the French Development Agency (AFD) for 3 years.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the Gaza strip through access for young people (men and women) to work.

The project’s specific objective aims to improve employment for young Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates in the Gaza Strip.

Highlights of the project:

The project is including many components, of which, providing access to 6-month on-job-training for 250 TVET graduates from NECC vocational training centres distributed into 5 cycles each one is targeting 50 beneficiaries.

As well, a specialized training in business development took place occasionally one time per year for selected groups of those TVET beneficiaries and was followed by an action to grant and support the establishment of 60 start-up TVET businesses (60 start-ups in 3 years; 20 in each year).

The targeted start-up businesses were selected from a pool of business models produced by participants who received business training. They are graduates from the NECC different vocational training departments with different careers (i.e. carpentry, metals and welding, aluminium, general electricity and solar energy and dressmaking).

As well, the project is including activities of development of database for project beneficiaries and NECC TVET program as well as, brochures, documentary film, capitalization of experiences, preparing strategic plan for youth socio-professional insertion and multi-actors consultation on youth employability in Gaza Strip through reflection workshops etc.

Submittal Deadline: All proposals shall be electronically submitted, in PDF format, to the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] by 9th of November 2020 at 11:00 am (Palestine Time). Submittals received after this deadline will be disregarded. 

Documents: ToR

المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 09, Nov, 2020
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