Final Evaluation Livelihood Project




Fostering Inclusive Employment and Promoting the Advancement of Equitable Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Palestine (EU).

1st Feb 2017- 31st Jan 2020

Facilitate an equitable access to education and work opportunities for persons with disabilities in Palestine (MOFA Lux).

 1st Jan 2018  – 31st Jan 2020 

1. General information 
About Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion

Handicap International runs projects under its new operating name, Humanity & Inclusion (HI). HI is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 50 countries worldwide, including Palestine 

HI has been working in the Middle East since 1992. HI promotes the inclusion of persons with disabilities into countries’ local and national planning processes and responds to the urgent inclusion needs of persons with disabilities in four countries through several programs. In Palestine, since 1996, HI has been supporting local partners and stakeholders to respond effectively, within the framework of both inclusive local development and quality service provision, to the needs of persons with disabilities to access protection, education, health, and livelihood programs. HI has three Regional Strategic Pillars:

  1. Promoting the inclusion of the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on persons with disabilities, within the humanitarian response; 

2.Preventing impairment and disability by enhancing both the quality and the systemic management of existing services as well as by informing populations about risks related to Explosive Remnants of War; and 

  1. Promoting cohesion, the resilience and participation of all through dialogue, empowerment, and disability mainstreaming in service delivery and social change.
1.2. HI in Occupied Palestinian Territory:
Since 1996 HI has implemented various actions with local partners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In a territory beset by chronic crises, political instability, and a declining economic and social situation since the second intifada in 2000, HI aims to respond to the needs of persons with disabilities and to make structural improvements to their lives, through livelihood projects. 

1.3 Context background for livelihood projects:

Persons with disabilities are considered among the most marginalized people in the Palestinian society, facing multiple deprivations, including high levels of poverty, exclusion from education, employment, limited access to social services, lack of representation and persistent stigma and discrimination. The Palestinian economy has deteriorated significantly in recent years. The situation has been further aggravated by recurrent conflicts and restrictions on movements of people and goods. A quarter of the Palestinian workforce remains unemployed, with a particularly high rate in the Gaza Strip (45%), and 16% in the West Bank (OCHA oPt, 2014). In the Gaza Strip, the poverty rate is extremely high: 53%. This rate is four times higher than the percentage observed in the West Bank: 13.9% (PCBS, 2017).

 87.3% of persons with disabilities are outside the labour force (PCBS & MoSA, 2011). 

In order to promote the employment of persons with disabilities, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) has been implementing a three-year project (2017 – 2020) aims at tackling public and private stakeholders’ misconceptions of persons with disabilities’ abilities to work and demonstrating the benefit of disability inclusion towards equitable economic development and local governance.

The action is designed after the lessons learned from the various projects HI has implementing in Palestine, including the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)-funded project, “Post-emergency and early recovery intervention to improve access to essential services in the Gaza strip for most vulnerable individuals and families” (2015-2016). This project is aimed at tackling poverty and at strengthening persons with disabilities’ social participation by supporting their livelihood initiatives, including both employment and self-employment.

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How to apply

For those who are interested in carrying out this evaluation, please send the following elements (all documents should be in English) to the following email [email protected]

A detailed technical proposal including the proposed methodology (ref: the section 4 above), leading evaluation questions (ref: the section 3 above) and time frame (ref: the section 7 above) to comply with the requirements of the evaluation.

A financial offer that covers all anticipated costs (taxes, travel, accommodation, communication transportation, insurance, translation, consultancy advertisement on etc.);

A CV detailing relevant skills and experience of the consultant (and all of her/his team) of no more than 3 pages each, including contactable referees. In case of team of experts, the team leader must be clarified.

At least one (1) example of an evaluation report produced by the consultant in the same field. A work to which the applicant made only a partial contribution in terms of writing is not acceptable.

The message’s subject must be: Final Evaluation Livelihood project

Deadline for submission of applications: 10th Oct 2019

Applications submitted after the deadline (day or hour) will not be considered.

Qualified persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply! Should you need specific reasonable accommodations, please specify in the submissions.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 10, Oct, 2019
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