Fund Raising and Training Consultant

Individual Consultancy Services
Fund Raising and Training Consultant
  1. Qatar Red Crescent (QRC) invites you as an individual consultant to submit a technical and financial proposal for consulting services required for the assignment Fund Raising and Training Consultant.
  2. The proposal will form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately a contract between you and QRC.
  3. Deadline for submitting proposals will be Monday 23/09/2019 at 12 PM at QRC office as detailed below, and any offer submitted after that time will be rejected and returned closed to consultant.
  4. Interested Consultants may obtain a copy of Request for Proposal from Qatar Red Crescent office at Al Wehda St. 2nd floor of Shawwa Building, opposite of El Rimal Clinic Gaza; Tel: 08-28 848 22 and 08 28411 01 
  5. Contract will be for a period of 6 months or any extra period needed to complete all duties and responsibilities 
  6. Validity of offers will be 180 days from deadline submission date
  7. Minimum Academic qualification and experience: at least Master degree in the fields of humanities, management or equivalent and 5 years’ experience in fund raising and 5 years’ experience in providing training.


المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 23, Sep, 2019
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