Haya joint programme - Baseline Study


HAYA Joint Programme: Eliminating Violence Against Women

I. Sharek Youth Forum

Sharek Youth Forum is a leading Palestinian youth organization with the primary goal of creating the space and capacity for youth to engage as active participants in all sectors of civil society and to participate in the development of local communities. Originally launched as a program of the UNDP in 1996, Sharek became an independent NGO in 2004. As a youth organization for youth, run by youth, Sharek tackles development issues from a unique perspective which directly reflects youth needs and visions. Sharek’s core programs include economic empowerment initiatives, providing services to connect youth mentors with underserved children to ensure the realization of children’s right to play and provide complimentary education services; building capacities of other youth organizations, especially small community based youth organizations; and arming youth with knowledge of their human rights and the capacity to articulate, effectively communicate, and persuasively advocate for change on the issues that most affect them, as active individuals and engaged citizens in the process of building a culture of reciprocal respect and democracy in Palestine. Sharek designs and carries out its youth development programs with hundreds of motivated youth volunteers involved in project.

II. HAYA Joint Programme: Eliminating Violence Against Women

The HAYA Joint Programme brings together the Palestinian Authority (PA), UN agencies, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, and other partners to reduce vulnerability of women and girls to all forms and threats of violence. This Joint Programme is funded by the Government of Canada and
implemented by a consortium of UN agencies consisting of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Ministry of Social Development are key partners of the HAYA Joint Programme, along with other ministries including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Heath, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Local Governance, and various civil society organizations.

The overall outcome of HAYA programme is: “reduced vulnerability of women and girls in the targeted communities to all forms of violence against women and from the threat of such violence”.

Sharek seeks to procure consultancy services to support baseline data collection and analysis against which the impact of the HAYA programme can be assessed, including by measuring all relevant indicators as per the monitoring and evaluation frameworks of the four implementing partner organizations:

1) Promoted equal and respectful relationships among women, men, girls and boys in WB and Gaza
2) Increased ability of women and girls to freely and safely make informed decisions to use EVAW services and advocate for comprehensive EVAW services
3) Increased knowledge and capacity of women to demand budgeted and results oriented services to eliminate VAW

The interventions to address the above immediate outcomes are implemented by four civil society organizations, Sharek Youth Forum (Sharek), Palestinian Working Women's Society for Development (PWWSD), Women’s Affairs Center (WAC) and Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR).


Interested Consultants are requested to submit proposals in two separated sealed envelopes including the following documents:

- Technical proposal with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology & proposed work plan in Gantt chart style. Consultant expertise should be highlighted in the technical proposal along with his/her C.V. The consultant also should submit at least 2 samples of previous similar work an annex to the offer,
- Financial Proposal: Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates in NIS based on the expected Level of Effort per the initial workplan

The proposal must be submitted no later than 20th Oct 2019 at the following address:
Palestine, Ramallah
Al Tireh St.
PO Box 500
Tel: 009722967741
Fax 009722967742

Late, fax, email and unsealed submittals will be rejected

Attachment: ToR - Haya joint programme - Baseline Study.pdf

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 20, Oct, 2019
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