High-Tech Agriculture curriculum development


High-Tech Agriculture curriculum development

MA’AN Development Center 

MA’AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian development and training institution established in January 1989 and registered as a non-profit organization. The main office is located in Ramallah with branch offices in Gaza, and Jenin. MA’AN's work is informed by the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the development of human resources for sustainable development, which incorporate values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

Project profile

The project aims to contribute to supporting the economic empowerment of Palestinian youth by overcoming the challenges of unemployment, matching their skills to the requirements of the labor market, and enhancing their capabilities to establish economically feasible businesses that contribute to bridging the economic gaps in the community. 

Scope of the assignment:

Development of Palestinian Agri-tech Curricula that contains practural agri-tech solutions modules for the Palestinian context . The curricula will be developed in Arabic ensuring content is easy to grasp and apply and making it available online, and using ideas and examples from the local environment, aiming at developing the potential of trainees in the fields of technology integration in agriculture

Interested consultants (firms or group of consultants) should submit letter of interest, technical proposal, and financial offer no later than the November 20, 2021, to the attention of 

[email protected]

The contractor is expected to deliver a syllabus that contains the following components: 

  1. Training material, 
  2. Trainer’s guide, 
  3. PowerPoint training material, 
  4. Two orientation days after curricula first draft .  

For further information, you can download the full TOR 

The link: https://www.maan-ctr.org/files/server/Ads/2021/11/ToR-HiTech.pdf

Deadline for submission is 12:00 PM, Saturday. November 20, 2021.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 20, Nov, 2021
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