Implementing home garden activities for targeted households...


Submission period
Friday 30 October, 2020 - Friday 6 November, 2020

UN-Habitat is seeking to identify and enter into Agreement of Cooperation (AoC) with one non-profit and nongovernmental organisation with relevant experience, technical abilities and resources to implement the interventions in the targeted cities in Bethlehem governorate. The main area of the AoC is to support 60 households with vulnerable elderly through the implementation of home-based agro-technologies such as home-gardening and composting units. The proposed home-planting technology is the wicking bed method. Furthermore, 30 composting units will be introduced. The process should be undertaken in a participatory and collaborative manner in partnership with the relevant municipalities, and through consultations with the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), Bethlehem University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


المكان بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 06, Nov, 2020
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