Call for Proposals: Individual Consultant for Comprehensive...

Background and Objective:
UNESCO is currently implementing the project “Preserving endangered traditional crafts and enhancing employability in the creative sector in Palestine” with financial support from the European Union. The project’s desired impact is to contribute to enhancing the economic potential of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Palestine, focusing on endangered traditional crafts. This includes glass blowing, olive wood carving, mother of pearl, pottery, looming and bamboo. UNESCO seeks through this project to support advancing the different stages of the value chain of crafts and crafts’ design, by emphasizing synergies between design and crafts’ making, passing through the phases of creation, production, dissemination, distribution until the final consumption of the products. On the other hand, the project also aims at enhancing the skills of cultural practitioners, namely craftspeople, designers and students involved in design and crafts, to meet the needs and demands of market dynamics.
Deadline :
Your proposal should be submitted by e-mail no later than close of business (18:00 Palestine local time) on 09 February 2025. E-mail proposals should not exceed 5MB.
Email address : [email protected]

If you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE  to check the tender document

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 09, Feb
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