STEM Kits (Educational & Tools Items) to the Ministry of Edu...
Wishes to purchase
Supply, Delivery, & Distribution of STEM Kits (Educational & Tools Items)
to the Ministry of Education in the State of Palestine
SEALED offers should be sent to:
UNICEF Gaza Field Office
Attention: Supply Unit - BID SECTION
UNDP Building (2nd Floor).
Special Notes:
- Please submit your technical & financial offers separately (two separate envelopes).
- For technical proposal: the bidder should submit, technical specifications, datasheets, and pictures for all items included in the bid and any other relevant attachment. use Annex A & B for each Kit: Technical proposal provided with this bid (Excel sheet) Besides, it is mandatory to submit digitalized documents (on USB Flash Disk, or CD) for the technical proposal.
- For the financial proposal the supplier only can use Annex D (for STEM Stationery Kits) & Annex E (for STEM Tools Kits): The pricing sheet provided with this bid (Excel sheet). The bidder needs to fill the excel sheet, then print, sign, and stamp. Besides, it is mandatory to submit digitalized documents (on USB Flash Disk, or CD) for the financial proposal.
Note: the bidder should submit the price offer completely for at least 1 complete kit.
- Prices should be in Israeli Shekels (ILS) excluding VAT.
- Please indicate the expected delivery date (days, weeks, or months) and the quantity your company has in stock.
- The packaging, labeling, & distribution prices must be included in the total price of each kit.
- All products should be inspected by the receiving officer/s before issuing the final invoice.
- UNICEF has the right to partially award the bid to technically accepted bidders.
- Where possible UNICEF is requesting bid validity of up to 12 months for any additional quantities other than specified in this tender.
Bid documents:
- UNICEF’s LITB-2022-9176225:
- Annex B: Technical Specifications & Quantities for STEM Kit / Educational Items.
- Annex C: Technical Specifications & Quantities for STEM Kit / Tools Items.
- Annex D: Financial Offer STEM Kits / Educational Items.
- Annex E: Financial Offer STEM Kits / Tools Items.
- Annex F: Distribution List for the West Bank
- Annex G: Distribution List for the Gaza Strip
LITB-2022-9176225 timelines:
The schedule of the LITB process is as follows:
- a) Planned LITB publishing date: 05/06.07.2022
- b) Closing date: Sunday, 17.07.2022 (12:00 PM)
- c) Pre-bid meeting: There is no Pre-Bid Meeting for this LITB, for any clarification please make sure to send it to [email protected] by Tuesday 12.07.2022 with mentioning the LITB number on the email's subject.
- d) Deadline for receipt of clarification: 12/13.07.2022
- e) Response to clarifications by UNICEF: 14.07.2022
- f) Deadline for submitting offers on Sunday, 17.07.2022 at 12:00 PM (Jerusalem time)
- g) Bid opening will be internally (no public bid opening ) on 17.07.2022 at 01:00 PM (Jerusalem time).
The reference LITB-2022-9176225 must be shown on the envelope containing the offer. Offers must be sent separately and must not be included in packages containing samples.
Bid form and schedule(s) must be used when replying to this invitation. You are welcome to enclose your own specifications etc., if necessary.
Offers must be received at the above address by latest 12:00 PM (Jerusalem time) on 19 July 2022 and will be opened at 13:00 PM (Jerusalem time) on 17 July 2022. Bids received after the stipulated date
and time will be invalidated.
It is important that you read all the provisions of the bid, to ensure that you understand UNICEF's requirements and can submit an offer in compliance with them. Note that failure to provide compliant offers may result in the invalidation of your bid.
Attached: Bid documents