Legal Manual for Environmental Violations


Terms of Reference (ToR)


Legal Manual for Environmental Violations

“A Guide for environmental legal file preparation”


1.1 Environmental and Climate Justice Programme in Palestine – ECJP- is a partnership between We Effect organization, and the Palestinian Agricultural Institutions Coalition (PAIC) and funded by the Consulate General of Sweden in Jerusalem. The Environmental and Climate Justice Programme is a 48-month programme with the timeframe 2021-2024, it will be implemented in the most climate-vulnerable rural communities in Palestine (Gaza, West Bank Specifically Area C, Hebron District, East Jerusalem, and Jordan Valley).

Climate justice recognizes that climate change is as much a political and social issue as an environmental issue, therefore ECJP uses a gender mainstreaming and human rights-based approach linking the rights of marginalized community members especially women, youth, and smallholder farmers with the obligations and commitments of duty bearers when it comes to environmental governance and rights, access to information and natural resources.

 1.2  Programme goal and objective:

-    The overarching goal of the programme is “to contribute to improving environmental and climate justice in Palestine”.

The programme objective is that “by 2024, civil society organizations and right holders have the capacity to address and challenge structural barriers to the environment and climate justice in Palestine”.

 1.3  The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network (PENGON):

The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network- Friends of the Earth Palestine is a coordinating body comprised of the Palestinian NGOs working in the environment sector. PENGON Palestine was established in 1996 due to the increased demands and responsibilities of Palestinian environmental organizations to advocate and protect the Palestinian environment by coordinating the scattered efforts of the different Palestinian NGOs working in the field of environment. PENGON works in several strategic areas and sectors such as land protection, agriculture, water, rural issues, sustainable development, cultural heritage, health and sanitation, biodiversity, human rights, and community participation. They have implemented numerous actions related to climate justice, the right to water, pollution prevention, advocacy on environmental rights violations as well as documentation and follow-up with duty bearers on various environmental issues.

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المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 31, May
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