Local Consultancy Of Market Research & Targeted Assessment...


Terms of Reference – Local Consultancy

Of Market Research and Targeted Assessment of Small Scale Production Units


"Conducting a Local Market Research for Six Commodities and Performing Targeted Assessments of Small Scale Production Units”



The Palestine Trade Centre (PalTrade) is a non-profit, membership-based organization with a national mandate to lead the development of exports as a driving force for sustainable economic growth. The centre advocates a competitive, enabling business environment and is dedicated to improving trade competitiveness.  PalTrade provides a wide range of export support services in the areas of export development and market intelligence, export promotion, and export policy and advocacy.

AMENCA 3 Project

The project “Improving Palestinian small-scale producers access to and power in high value fruit and small ruminants value chains” funded by the Australian Government, and implemented by Oxfam and other partners, aims to improve the access and strengthening of small Palestinian producers within the Value Chain of High Value Fruit and Small Ruminants (AMENCA3), which will improve the performance of agricultural markets for farmers and producers throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip and empowering, women and youth socially and economically Through creating working environment committed  to gender equity and Inclusion Strategy and provide equitable employment opportunities in cooperation with private sector institutions and companies.

The project will contribute to improve the performance of agricultural production and food processing to be more equitable to producers and more flexible and ready for markets, which will increase the production, quality, profitability and competitiveness of fruit, fresh vegetables and women's products by activating the participation of women and men in value chains targeted to be more sustainable and profitable.



PalTrade is an implementing, in partnership with OXFAM, a series of activities that aim at improving local and international access to markets. The range of implemented activities also extends to include increasing supply and demand of certain high potential commodities for small scale farmers and processors. In this regard PalTrade is seeking a qualified consultant/consultancy firm to conduct a local market research for 6 identified commodities in Gaza Strip. The study aims to develop the local market by conducting an extensive, yet focused, market research for 6 commodities in Gaza which are: Frozen Vegetables, French fries, Maftoul, Palm dates, Pickled olive and olive oil, and dried fruits. The study shall look at and recommend effective ways to increase sales and market share and Competitive advantageof selected commodities through direct and indirect sales (supply to major retailers and/or wholesalers and food processors).

Objectives for This Terms of Reference    

The market research for these commodities is a major component of the project that lies within PalTrade assigned tasks and activities.  Within this framework, PalTrade shall provide strong and targeted market research for improved access for Gaza products to develop its local market.

The objectives of the market research are:

Objective 1: Reaching an accurate estimate of size of supply and sales of each of the 6 commodities.

Objective 2: Recognizing most important producers and market share structure of each of the 6 commodities as well as most prevalent marketing channels.  

Objective 3: Identifying and mapping the existence of any imported products that compete with the 6 local commodities, and providing full account of their characteristics.

Objective 4: Size of the demand (including the seasonal calendar), factors affecting demand and full specifications of the 6 commodities and their variations including factors such as quality, specifications and design of packaging material, and other conformity factors.

Objective 5:  Performing assessment of production capacities of 15 food processing units both in terms of supply capacities and ability to meet market demand as per consumer preferences and desired quality specifications.


Thus, PalTrade is seeking highly qualified consulting firm/consultants to conduct market research of the six identified commodities in addition to targeted assessment of 15 small scale production units.

The research should include an analysis of the current demand and supply situation and provide recommendations to increase sales and market share of the selected locally produced commodities through direct and indirect sales in particular marketing, technical and production recommendations most relevant to small scale producers and food processors.

The market research must be both supply and demand oriented, while addressing the above five objectives, this research must be able to identify the following:

  1. Current and potential supply of the six identified commodities at the local market level
  2. Current and potential demand for the six identified commodities at the local market level all over the Gaza Strip.
  3. Highlight any gender specific indicators and actors within the supply and demand markets.
  4. Specifications and detailed description of existing commodities in local markets (in particular commodities with highest market shares) taking in consideration discrepancies and variations related to other factors such as geographical area, price range, consumer preferences, etc.
  5. Specifications and detailed description of commodities produced by small scale producers within the project in comparison with outcome of tasks number three.
  6. Production capacities and specifications of 15 food processing units working in collaboration with the Oxfam's projects and producing the six identified commodities, with ranking in terms of quantity and quality of production of the identified 6 commodities as well as level of divergence from prevalent commodities with highest market share in light of outcome of tasks number three and number four.
  7. Recommendations to increase direct and indirect sale of the six identified commodities at the local market, in particular for small scale producers working with the project.


  1. Detailed action plan
  2. Detailed research and assessment tools
  3. Biweekly progress report of the assignment
  4. Complete analysis results of all gathered data
  5. First and final of drafts of the study both in English and Arabic (including Market Research of six identified commodities and Targeted Assessments of 15 small scale food processing units).

Specific terms and conditions

  • Conduct desk research to review related literature, reports and studies.
  • Identify the key stakeholders; in this regard, PalTrade will support in providing the consultant with available related documents.
  • Conduct a sufficient number of one-to-one meetings with the key stakeholders, and target group including market players, producers, consumers, and other relevant institution and bodies including NGO's and private sector representative bodies.
  • Facilitate at least five focus group meetings (FGM), with a sufficient and representing number of participants each.
  • Utilize any other necessary primary research tools
  • Draft the structure of the research study according to consultations with PalTrade for approval.
  • Draft and finalize the research study.  The consultant is required to incorporate all comments received from PalTrade after the submission of the preliminary drafts.
  • Study is to be prepared in English and Arabic.
  • Suggested solutions and substantiated recommendations to address challenges and to achieve desirable change of increased market share of locally produced commodities.


The Consultant/s must have the resources, ability and technical expertise to develop the market research/assessment report Minimum requirements are:

  • Strong background in market research, business assessment, food production, food processing technologies and production or any related field, and very good knowledge of the local market and food industries.
  • Very Good background on the market research.
  • Very Good knowledge of obstacles and main challenges facing the local products in market penetration and increasing market share in Gaza.
  • Proven experience in conducting market research.
  • Good public relations network with private and public sector institutions operating in Palestine in general and the Gaza Strip in particular in the field of cooperative and small scale producers.
  • Language: Fluency in writing skills in both Arabic – English is a must.

Financial Offer:

Detailed financial budget with breakdown of cost. Financial offer should include (level of effort and “number of days.

The Financial offer should be in USD and include VAT


The assignment is expected to commence on 3/07/2018 and completed on 13/09/2018. The entire duration of the assignment is to be performed in 68 calendar days.  The first draft is expected to be received no later than 16/8/2018

Application process

Send a cover letter responding to the Terms of Reference that includes a technical proposal including CVs of the working teams, a sample of related previous works, financial proposal and work plan to [email protected]. Proposals should be submitted by July 1st 2018.

Evaluation will be based first on technical evaluation; if the companies and individual consultants based the technical passing scores (55%/70), then PalTrade will open the financial offers.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 01, Jul, 2018
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