Mapping and Maps– Islamic and Christian Cultural
Request for Proposal – RFP
Mapping and Maps– Islamic and Christian Cultural - IRTH007
Project Number: ENI/2019/409-048
Date of publishing: Sunday, 21-February-2021 and Sunday, 28 -February – 2021 the day we will send by e-mail the RFP to all.
Proposal submission date until: Sunday, 07- March -2021 (16:00).
Palestinian Heritage Project
This project is implemented by Palestinian Vision Organization in partnership with PASSIA and ACT and funded by the European Union:
The overall objective of the action is to contribute to preserving the Palestinian character and cultural heritage of East Jerusalem (EJ) by strengthening the Palestinian identity and enhancing the sense of belonging among Palestinians. The specific objectives of the action is that Islamic and Christian religious and cultural heritage “Waqf” properties are protected against Israeli violations and threats and Palestinians ability to identify and value their cultural heritage and have a good understanding of what can be done to protect their cultural heritage and the role it plays in preserving the Palestinian character of EJ is enhanced.
The assignment specific objectives are explicitly targeting key dimensions of the protection of cultural heritage in EJ: the identification and documentation dimension (an in-depth research that not only informs and documents but also offers recommendations and solutions with regard to the protection of cultural heritage), the conservation of these properties (which refers to the advocacy component that involves national and international duty-bearers).
Qualified individual experts and consultancy firms are encouraged to participate in this competition by requesting a FREE softcopy of the Request for Proposal by contacting the e-mail; ([email protected] [email protected] ), starting Sunday 21-February-2021, and to submit their offers by hand to the Palestinian Vision at the addressed indicated below or scanned signed copies by e-mail to ([email protected], [email protected] ), no later than Sunday, 07-March-2021 (16:00).
All prices in EURO and exclude VAT as the project is VAT-Exempted. Awarded Bidder will be required to provide Zero-VAT invoices upon final delivery of all services required.
The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in EUR.
Proposals should be submitted by hand or Scanned signed copies by e-mail, on or before the assigned deadline.
Late and/or incomplete submissions will be rejected.
Delivery of all services shall not exceed the date mentioned in Request for Proposal.
Please state the consultancy and its number in the title of your submission email, emails missing consultancy and/or consultancy number will be disqualified.
The Palestinian Vision organization Address referred to above is -
Palestinian Vision organization located at Jerusalem
Al Rasheed Street, Chamber of Commerce building, 5th floor
Tel: 02 6285080
Palestinian Vision organization located at Bethlehem
Main Street Jerusalem Hebron Street, Al Qasem Building.
Tel: 02 2760222
Palestinian Vision organization located at Ramallah
Al Quds Street, behind Al Swais Gas Station
Tel: 02-2421270
For any Question or Clarification, please direct your inquiries by emails or telephones mentioned above.
القدس, بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء
07, Mar, 2021
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