

Market Research Study of Cucumber Value Chain (with a particular focus on baby cucumber) in the Gaza Strip

MA’AN in partnership with APHEDA funded by DFAT started the implementation of AMENCA ΙΙΙ project entitled “Producing for Profit: Enhancing the long term profitability of small scale farmers and producers”. The scope of AMECA III project is wide and covers a variety of agriculture value chains in West Bank and Gaza Strip.  MAAN has led the interventions in the vegetables and date palm value chains in the Gaza Strip. The goal of the project is to increase the profits of small-scale farmers, processors and entrepreneurs through quality market connections. 

MAAN succeeds in facilitating many business linkages between private sector companies and small scale farmers particularly in the baby cucumber value chain. MAAN succeeds also in developing a new technology in date palm peeling, seed removing and drying. This technology is the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip and the region. 

MAAN is looking to conduct a market research to investigate potential market opportunities for fresh and pickled cucumbers (including baby cucumbers) in both exports and domestic markets. Also, to identify potential markets for pickled products.  The consultancy firm is expected to demonstrate a high-level understanding of how national/regional/global markets operates for cucumbers (including baby cucumber) and where attractive customers may be located.  

MA’AN seeks a qualified consulting firm with proven experience in the field of the sought consultancy. The consultants’ team should present set of qualifications and technical backgrounds that suits the scope of the consultancy.  MA’AN expects the applicants to have a composition of multi-disciplinary team include but not limited to a marketing specialist, business development specialist, and data analyst. 

The expected key qualifications: 

  • At least 5 years’ experience working in agri-chains: value chain analysis, market surveys, and market intelligence. 
  • Extensive knowledge and proven experience in market studies. 
  • Knowledge of business environment in Gaza Strip is a must. 
  • Knowledge of regional/global markets and export procedures is a must. 
  • Experience in agriculture sector especially vegetables value chain will be an advantage.

Interested consultant firm should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip  from 13th May 2020 –1st June  2020  and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 1st June 2020   (before 12:00 pm) at MAAN Office Gaza-Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square- Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor- Next to Blood Bank Building Tele 08- 2823712 & MAAN Office Ramallah- Al Masyoun Alnahdah Building 5th Floor (Above Bravo Supermarket) Tele 02- 2954451

  •  The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • Financial Offer must be in USD , Excluding VAT (ZERO VAT Invoice Required)

المكان قطاع غزة, رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 01, Jun, 2020
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