
Request for Proposal for Media Campaign Development

MA’AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian development and training institution established in January 1989 and registered as a non-profit organization. The main office is located in Ramallah with branch offices in Gaza, and Jenin. 

Project name Women and Youth Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and Employment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip – She Succeeds

Project strategic objective Enhance economic empowerment and increase prosperity for low-income female youth in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Locations Gaza Strip, Jordan Valley, Nablus, Tubas, Tulkarem and Jenin

Targeted beneficiaries Low-income female youth in WB and Gaza Strip, ages 15-29

Project partners

She Succeeds Project is implemented by Save The Children, MA'AN Development Center, and PARC, in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy, and funded by Global Affairs CANADA.

MA'AN is requesting price quotations from contractor to develop and produce social media content focusing on a set of messages. The content is expected to:

  1. Raise awareness about social challenges faced by females, particularly female youth, in the fields of business and entrepreneurship, 
  2. Advocate for change in behaviour and attitude towards female entrepreneurs, 
  3. Encourage duty bearers to lead a social change movement towards addressing the set of challenges that would also be supplied by MA’AN, 
  4. Highlight to the general public success stories related to the discussed challenges, and messages of young females in business who are succeeding with positive support from families, as well as males that support and promote gender equality, including participants from the She Succeeds project.
  5. The content is expected to be shared on the platforms of MA’AN, Save The Children, and other partners. 

Interested contractors should send an email to [email protected], to acquire the ToR and other needed documents, no later than April 20.

Notes and Conditions: The selected firms will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement in both the local newspapers and jobs.ps. Financial offers should not include VAT as the project is VAT exempted. Selected contractors should supply zero tax invoice and deduction at source certificate. 

Ramallah office: Al-Masyoun, Emil Habibi street. Al-Nahdah building, 5th Floor (above Bravo supermarket) Tel: 00970 - 2 - 2954451. Cell: 0592-070113

.ملاحظة: العطلة الرسمية للمركز أيام الجمعة والسبت

المكان قطاع غزة, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, طوباس
موعد الإنتهاء 20, Apr, 2021
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