
Invitation to Tender No. 21/PL/GAZA/01

Medical Supplies

Médecins du Monde Switzerland is an International and independent Medical Organization founded in 1980, that provides humanitarian and development aid to those most in need. The organization observes the principles of medical ethics and humanitarian aid and is currently active in more than 65 countries. Médecins du monde Switzerland, created in 1993, has been working in the Palestinian Territories since 1994 prioritizing the provision of quality care in the field of mental health to people in need.

Tender:  opt 2021 Gaza Emergency response 001: Supply and delivery of Medical Supplies
Date of issuance:  June 10th 2021
Due Date for Quotations: June 15th, 2021 at 14:00

Request for Quotation (RFQ):

Supply and delivery of Medical devices for emergency rooms.



Please refer to the attached Bill of Quantities.

Quotation content and conditions:

Vendors responding to the solicitation should submit the following:


Price Quotations


Quotation Pricing Conditions:

Prices should be clearly written in USD including VAT

The prices should include all associated costs, e.g. transportation costs, uploading and downloading

All prices should include VAT.

The offers must be valid for 3 months starting from the date of proposal.

The Vendor should provide valid deduction at source.

Each page of the RFQ should be stamped with the company’s official stamp.


Submitting the Quotation and technical condition.

Deadline for submittal of quotations is June 15th, 2021

All Requested documents should be submitted by email to the procurement department at the following email address; [email protected] and [email protected] under name (QUOTATION Gaza Emergency response 001) Or by envelope in the office of MDM- CH, Gaza, Al Rasheed st., Abu Galyon building no. 2, second floor.

Any more information 00970594211891.

Technical Conditions;

All offered items should be registered in the Palestinian Ministry of Health

All offered items should have minimum 2 years’ Expiry date (if applicable)

All Items should be directly delivered to the MDM CH partner; (MOH) Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The delivery notes should be stamped and signed by the MDM-CH & MOH representative.

The following information included under MDM-CH’s Bill of Quantity has to be fully and clearly completed for the items bided for: Vendor Name, Unit cost, total cost, brand name, manufacturer, Expiry date (if applicable), and delivery time in addition to all commitments pertaining to the contract and all the tasks that are necessary for the implementation of all the required quantities efficiently, the Bill of Quantity is the only official document to be considered by MDM-CH.

The specifications provided by MDM-CH for each item are the general minimum required.

Price offers should include cost of delivery to and unloading to MOH warehouses.

Suppliers should adhere to MDM-CH’s policy for printing/ labeling the items ordered with special statement: “Not for Resale: MDM-CH”, should be included in the Sachets, bottles and large box’s, should be printed if applicable if not please use stickers.

The bid may be divided, and all items must be priced individually. 

MDM-CH is not bound to the lowest price or to any offer made as a result of this RFQ. However, price will be one of major consideration in the selection of the vendor (s).

Delivery time will be considered as a major criterion in determining the supplier. Please indicate in the original tender documents the expected delivery time of each item. All factors such as holidays, security situation, etc. should be taken into consideration when stating delivery dates. This is very important.

In your offers please state the quantities available for immediate delivery and the expected delivery time for the remaining quantities.

Please take into consideration that the whole quantity mentioned in the BOQ may be ordered partially.

 MDM-CH has the right to increase / decrease the quantities or drop any or all quantities mentioned in the bill of quantities of this RFQ

The offers submitted should be valid for three (3) Months from the date of submission unless this is not applicable for the vender (should be clarified in the offer)

The supplier will be responsible for any damages that occur to the items. The items will be checked in the assigned Warehouses.

No information will be given about prices, items, or suppliers responding to this RFQ.

Penalty Clause: Delivery should be on-time as stated in the contract. Winning vendors should notify MDM-CH in writing for any expected delays. If delivery date is not met, there will be a 5% penalty deducted from the total amount of each undelivered item for each week delayed. Only delays due to force major will be taken into consideration and are subject to MDM-CH approval.

Contract Termination: MDM-CH reserves the right to cancel the contract should the vendor/supplier fail to meet the stated terms of the contract, which includes but not limited to delivery time agreed upon by both parties.



      The Payment will be in USD within 30 days and upon receiving the following;

Stamped and signed delivery notes


المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 15, Jun, 2021
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