Organizational and Capacity Assessment Consultancy
Terms of Reference for Organizational and Capacity Assessment Consultancy
Description of the Assessment:
Under Naseej project, Oxfam will contribute to strengthening the capacity of partner organsiations and improve their organizational capacity to enable the organizations to implement their project interventions effectively and build their capacities to operate more independently beyond the project’s life. (Intermediate Outcome 1). The organizational capacity assessment will focus on assessing thematic areas identified by the partner organizations as areas where support is needed. These areas may include (but are no limited to): Advocacy and campaigning, gender, GBV response, gender -just transformative change, MEAL, transformative Leadership. These areas are also linked to the project interventions led by partner organizations and may differ from partner to partner. After the organizational assessment concludes, the consultant is expected to develop individual capacity building plans for each partner organization based on interactive workshops that will be held with partner organizations.
Objective of the Assessment:
Conduct a Capacity Assessment of Implementing partners of the Naseej project
Based on the Capacity Assessment findings and recommendations, identify and develop realistic, feasible and time-bound Capacity Development Strategy(ies) that can be implemented over the life of the project
The consultant/ consultancy firm is expected to hold face to face meetings in the partner organization premises ( taking COVID 19 restrictions into consideration)
For those who are interested, kindly download the TOR