Pool of Facilitators: Social Transformation Facilitators and...
Subject: Pool of Facilitators: Social Transformation Facilitators and Co-Facilitators
The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development – REFORM is a Palestinian NGO that works in the fields of empowerment, local development, and social transformation. It seeks to promote inclusion and social solidarity in Palestine through empowering marginalized and hard-to-reach groups, and structural reform. REFORM aims to enhance the social and political participation of marginalized and hard-to-reach groups, strengthen community activism, facilitate equal access to public utilities through strengthening the capabilities of young and women, and to provide a reliable database for the political and administrative decision-makers in Palestine.
Requested Quotations:
REFORM is planning to contract with more than one facilitator and cofacilitator for Social Transformation training within the framework of REFORM’s projects to implement up to (504 +/-) facilitation hours during 2024-2025. Please submit your quotation the latest by Monday, 05.08.2024, before 14:00 PM.
For Interested Candidates details are attached in the TOR.
Submission Criteria:
Individuals who meet the needed background and are interested in implementing the training, kindly refer to the following requirements to apply:
Technical offer must include:
Resume should be sent in English. (Resumes with a personal picture will not be considered).
The graded critera are in charts in the attached TOR above.
Price offer should be drafted in English and submitted in ILS per day (8 hours) including transportation. All taxes must be included in the final price.
Financial and technical offers must be submitted in English and signed/or stamped in a sealed envelope by hand to the following address no later than Monday, August 5th 2024, by 14:00 PM.
The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development—REFORM, Tirawi Building, 2nd floor in Al-Masyoun, Ramallah.
The Applicants must register on our procurement system E-connect using this link: REFORM (www.econnect.ps) and attach a copy of the registration form with the offer.
REFORM is not obliged to choose the lowest price.
Both Social Transformation Facilitators and Co-facilitator can apply as a group or as individuals.
More than one individual can be chosen.
25% increase or decrease of tasks through the period of implementation.
Individuals can submit a valid deduction on source certificate or else 10% of the total payment will be deducted as income tax.
Advertisement fees will be deducted from the chosen candidates.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following contact details:
Telefax: 02-2966645, Email: [email protected]
Thank you for your cooperation!
Mona Morrar
Procurement Coordinator at REFORM Association
Attachment(s): RFQ documents