Pre-Feasibility Study on multilateral framework agreement fo...



Call for Proposals: Pre-Feasibility Study on multilateral framework agreement for importing renewable energy from Jordan to the Palestinian West Bank, and the wheeling of renewable energy

Terms of Reference (TOR)

For the Engagement of a Consultancy team to Conduct a Study on the pre-feasibility of a multilateral framework agreement for importing renewable energy from Jordan to the Palestinian West Bank, and the wheeling of renewable energy (mainly produced in solar farms in area C of the West Bank) from the West Bank, through Israel, to Gaza. This, in order to strengthen the Palestinian energy sector and the reconstruction efforts of Gaza on the day after the war ends. This pre-feasibility study would lay the foundations for a broader feasibility study suggesting a new mechanism for collaboration between Palestine and Israel as a part of the Palestinian effort to unify and upgrade its electricity grid and transiting into renewable energy sources.

EcoPeace Middle East is implementing the project “Advancing Climate Resilience Area C Solar Power for Gaza and West Bank and Regional Water Security, co-financed by the European Union (EU), and needs to complete a pre-feasibility study that has the following primary objectives:

Examine the current status of the Palestinian energy sector (legal/regulatory and technical).

Point out the challenges for fulfilling the suggested goals at the political and technical levels.

Lay the foundations for a broader study that would present a holistic suggestion for a change in the Palestinian energy sector and the energy aspect of the Palestinian-Israeli relations

Duration of the assignment: The study is expected to commence on July 25th ,2024 , and conclude by Maximum September 5th, 2024

RFQ Closing Date: July 15, 2024 

Within this context, EcoPeace Middle East seeks qualified locally registered companies or individuals to submit their bids to carry out the assignment.

Interested Applicants can ask for full TOR by sending a Request for Proposals through filling the below link:



Proposal Submission Guidance:

- Financial offers should be sent in separate files than the technical offer, both files should be signed and in PDF files.

- Technical & financial proposal for this consultancy service are to be sent on or before July 15th, 2024, by Maximum 15:00 PM to the following email: [email protected] Phone#: 0547602236 or 0594404398

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 15, Jul
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