Call for Tender
Printing and Design and Branding
Terms of Reference
The main purpose of this Tender is to ensure visibility of the action, consistency, and quality of public materials, a brand theme will be designed including a logo and watermark; which will be placed on all digital and print materials produced for the project. The theme is to include elements that illustrate the nature of the activity, and its participatory and inclusive approach of young men and women. Vibrant colors and fonts will be selected to attract young audiences. 
Designed digital materials are to include: a project logo, a watermark, a wall paper design for zoom, a Power Point template for presentations, headed-paper template, and 8 illustrations that represent different project actions. Visibility materials for the project will be printed, including: 4 roll-ups to be placed at partner locations, 300 cardboard tent cards (A3 size) which can be carried easily and placed at project activities, and 4 banners (2 x 1 meter) to be placed at events, trainings, and for photo opportunities, in addition to 10 branded photo frames that beneficiaries can carry and use during photo opportunities. At least 250 branded t-shirts, and simple locally made cloth bags will be produced and distributed to project stakeholders and beneficiaries, including youth and community members living in target locations. All branded materials are to include the EU emblem, the logos of the 4 partners and the project title.

For those who are interested, kindly download the tender documents
المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 15, Apr, 2021
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