Procedural Guideline of Access to Justice Standards for Case...
Procedural Guideline of Access to Justice Standards for Cases of Violence Against Women and Girls in Formal and in Community Justice spheres (West Bank, Palestine)
Women’s Affair Technical Committee &Terre des hommes
Women’s Affair Technical Committee (WATC) is a Palestinian feminist organization established in 1992 as a coalition of women’s grassroots committees, striving for the social, political and economic empowerment of women to achieve a democratic Palestinian society that ensures plurality, social justice and equality between men and women. WATC is a specialized actor in country in Gender Based Violence Programmes and it has been playing a crucial role at the legislative arena to enhance protective regulations for women and girls.
Terre des hommes (Tdh) is a leading Swiss child-relief agency with a strong mandate worldwide on restorative juvenile justice, which accumulates over 40 years of experience in the Palestinian context. Tdh is a well-recognized actor in Palestine with a long and fruitful collaboration vis a vis justice stakeholders and national institutions on the policy, capacity building and specialized service provision components, chiefly. The Access to Justice Program has been implemented in Palestine since 2010 including a specific and unique component focused on gender justice in formal and community-based/informal spheres.
Currently, WATC and Tdh are partners implementing the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women and Girls Project named: “Gender Justice to End Violence Against Women and Girls” where this consultancy is framed with. Overall, the project aims at activating a responsive gender justice to address VAWG proposing a promising pilot to generate evidence-based innovative and replicable approaches. It entails a holistic conception of access to justice for women and girls (demand side: promoting female’s agency in justice; and supply side: tackling both formal and informal justice systems). The above scheme is expected to lead to a gradual increase of fair ruling for VAWG’s cases, increased reporting of cases, higher female participation including in policy development and social openness and support for gender justice issues pertaining to VAWG.
If you are interested, please download full ToR: ToR UNTF Project Procedural Gu…FINAL.pdf
Application procedure
Consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit expression of interest, which should include the following:
Prerequisites for accepting financial offers:
All offers must be e-mailed to [email protected] (Tdh MENA Regional Programme Coordinator) and [email protected] (WATC Project Coordinator) no later than February 11 2020 at 4:00 pm (Palestine time).
Only proposals in English and that include all the required documents will be assessed. Only contact short-listed candidates will be contacted.