Product transformation training and guidance for the manufac...


 Term of References
Product transformation training and guidance for the manufacture of processed products (grape leaves, infusions, spices)

Caritas Jerusalem (CJ) is a humanitarian and development organization that represents the socio-pastoral services of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. It was founded in 1967 in the aftermath of the Six-Day War. Caritas Jerusalem is a member of Caritas Internationals, a confederation of 162 member organizations operating in more than 200 countries. For further information about Caritas Jerusalem, please visit

The project titled “Socio-Economic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development in Bethlehem District with a Focus on Participation and the Promotion of Human Rights.” is designed to contribute to the socio-economic development of the population under occupation in Bethlehem governorate, Palestine.

Under the project's first result aimed to boost the competitiveness of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in Bethlehem District by involving cooperatives and producer groups. These groups work with farmers to create processed products, supported by supplies of fruit trees, grapes, and aromatic herbs. A training firm is needed to provide specialized guidance on product processing and transformation.

Caritas Jerusalem is seeking an experienced consultant to provide training and guidance on product transformation for eight targeted cooperatives and farmers to enhance the capacities for the manufacture of processed products (grape leaves, infusions, spices).

The duration, requirements, and scope of work are detailed in the Term of References; please follow the link below for the full Term of References.  If you are interested in competing for this assignment, kindly send us your technical CV and financial offer in separate closed envelops by no later than Monday, 31March 2025, at 14:00 PM.

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المكان بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 31, Mar
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