Production of environmental awareness animation movies

Enabel - Belgian development agency
Reference No: PZA1203211-10013
Project Name:
Schools Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – Phase IV (“School IV”), as parallel co-funding to RiSE project (Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem).
Contract Title: The production of environmental awareness animation movies
This public service contract consists of “The production of environmental awareness animation movies”, in conformity with the conditions of the requested documents.
The service comprises the production of 6 animation movies (each one focusing on one environmental awareness topics). Each movie will be in 2 versions (one with Modern Standard Arabic subtitles and one with English subtitles). It includes the preparation of the scripts and the creation of the drawings, animations, narrative voice (in Modern Standard Arabic), background music and display subtitles for each movie.
Enabel now requests a price and technical proposal from eligible and qualified service providers for carrying out this consultancy:
1.The request for price is open to all service providers from Eligible Source Countries.
2.Interested eligible service providers are highly encouraged to inform us of their potential participation by writing to: [email protected]
3.The Request for Price document, containing all information, can be downloaded at the following address:
4.An information meeting will take place online on the 1st of December 2020 at 10:00 am via the following link:
5.The offers shall be valid for 90 days after the closing date. No bid bond is requested.
6.The offers must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] before Monday 07/12/2020 at 10:00 AM. Late submissions will be rejected.
Documents: RFP_Animation_Movie_VF_p.pdf