
Project Joint Analysis

Reference:  PSE22003-10004

Tender type: Public services contract

Assignment: Joint Analysis

About Enabel

Enabel is the Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s governmental cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad, Enabel offers solutions to address pressing global challenges - Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality - and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East. 

About PEP Project

Enabel is implementing a new portfolio, titled “Empowered youth in a green Palestine” (EYGP) which focuses on 2 pillars; The first one focuses on the empowerment of youth based on civic engagement, protection, and a continuum between developing competencies, skills, access to employment and entrepreneurship. The second pillar is dedicated to climate action, based on support for the development of an emerging green and circular economy with the view to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive Palestinian society and reduce environmental hazards and dependency on non-renewable natural resources. This assignment is part of the activity of the first pillar which is focusing on increasing employability and employment opportunities for youth, targeting the skills mismatch between demand and supply, and increasing access to suitable employment pathways for specific groups, by improving the quality and the relevance of the TVET system and supporting business development, Entrepreneurship and job creation.

Purpose of this invitation

Under the PEP intervention, and in cooperation with Team Europe Initiative (TEI), that is focusing on entrepreneurship, Enabel is seeking external expertise to support the TEI entrepreneurship component and its key partners in conducting a Joint Analysis (JA) on Entrepreneurship in Palestine. This JA should include the entrepreneurship approaches within the national context (including under the different ministries), refining the definition and main elements of the entrepreneurship and link that with the relevant national definitions and policies; as well as proposing implementation strategies and programmatic practicalities with an emphasis on integrating local economic development, green economy/entrepreneurship under the cluster-based approach. The JA will contribute to strengthening the understanding and implementation of various Enabel programming within the Palestinian context to address the multidimensional needs of Palestine’s youth and entrepreneurs, to supporting the harmonization of entrepreneurship programming across major stakeholders also implementing entrepreneurship programming and to supporting the government of Palestine, represented by the different ministries and departments in improving and aligning entrepreneurship approaches and programming within the developmental priorities with emphasis on cluster-based development and green, local economy.

General Tendering Instructions

Enabel now invites tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for carrying out these works:

This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions, defined in the tender documents. 

Tenders shall be valid for 60 days after the tender closing.

Price offers should be stamped and signed and then submitted ONLY online to the following email address: [email protected] before the 02nd of March 2023 at 01 PM. Late tenders will be rejected.


Tender documents with forms  download attachment from HERE

We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.

المكان قطاع غزة, القدس, رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 02, Mar, 2023
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