Providing Training and Technical Coaching for Income-generat...



Providing Training and Technical Coaching for Income-generation Projects

MA’AN, in partnership with OXFAM, is currently implementing the project "Addressing extreme vulnerability and strengthening resilience in protracted crises- OPT" which aims at enhancing the food security and protection of vulnerable households in Gaza and North Gaza.  The project will reach an estimated total of 500 households, 50% of which will be women and girls who will be reached through protection and food security actions. The targeted beneficiaries are living in under-served communities of Gaza and North Gaza Strip. The project consists of three main thematic pillars; namely, food security, gender and protection, advocacy and influencing. Under food security the project will target 300 families who have children affected by protection threats and are managed through the case management system (family centers) with fresh food vouchers, and 50 HHs with income generating activities. Under protection and gender, the project will target 200 HHs with sever protection cases with cash support and it will provide training and cash for livelihoods for 50 gender-based violence survivors.

MA'AN is looking for a qualified consultant to deliver training and technical coaching services for 50 vulnerable individuals from the vulnerable HHs targeted in the project, who will receive micro grants to establish small-scale Income generating activities in Gaza and North Gaza. The targeted recipients of the micro grants are suffering from difficult socio-economic conditions and have food insecurity and protection concerns that undermine their safety and security. However, the targeted households have also the capacity, potential and willingness to start an income-generation activity to enhance their protection and resilience. A socio-economic assessment and livelihood mapping were conducted to select the eligible households for this action. This consultancy will include a) providing training on how to establish and manage income-generation project, b) supporting the selected households to formulate their project ideas and develop business plans, c) providing coaching services during and following the implementation of the small-scale business. The training and coaching is expected to enhance the knowledge, skills and practices of the targeted individuals (one member of the HHs will be selected from each of the 50 HHs) in terms of their ability to generate/advance feasible and innovative business ideas; establish small-scale business; and manage the small-scale business (marketing, sales, financial management, etc..). The service provider (Individual consultants or groups (does not exceed 3 members) , Consultancies firms  ) must have the minimum following qualifications :

  • Academic qualification in business administration, business planning, economy or any relevant field. Master's degree and above is a credit.
  • At least 3 years of experience in conducting training on business planning and managing small enterprises, especially for women.
  • Demonstrated experience in providing coaching for small-scale businesses.  
  • Demonstrated experience in developing business plans for start-ups and existing small-scale businesses in the Gaza Strip.  
  • Good reporting, writing, and communication skills, with specific reference to analytical reports and studies.
  • Ability to develop concrete methodology and timeframe for delivering the required consultancy service within the specified duration.

Interested consultant should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip  from 18th April  2019 – 24th April 2019  and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 25th April  2019 (before 12:00 pm) at MA’AN Development Center office in Gaza, Palestine (Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square,Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor Next to Blood Bank Building, Tel.: 08-2823712)

  • The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • Financial Offer must be in EURO , Excluding VAT
المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 25, Apr, 2019
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