Providing Training Modules: Web Design & Coding, Photography...


Request for proposal in respect to providing Training Modules

SOS Children’s Villages Palestine is seeking to pre-qualify a local competent training center to conduct training modules in areas of: Web Design & Coding, Photography and E & Social Media marketing within the frame of “Employability and Empowerment of Vulnerable youth in West Bank and Gaza”, a 3years project financed by Federal Ministry of Economic cooperation and development- BMZ.

Interested firms should submit a Technical and Financial proposal in relation to the terms of references (ToRs) included in below Links.

a. TORs of Planned Training Modules in West Bank.
b. TORs of Planned Training Modules in Gaza.

Bidders can submit their offers for trainings in one area.

The following information and documents shall be provided:

a. Background information on the firm: Details of firm’s experience in providing similar services to companies in the not-for-profit sector.
b. Methodology to be used: Describe how your firm will approach topics and dimension of requested studies.
c. Describe how and why your firm is different from other firms being considered and why our selection of your firm the best decision we could make;
d. Firm’s registration details with relevant regulatory authorities.
e. Provide at list 3 references from not-for-profit organizations that you’ve conducted trainings for in the recent years and are still your clients;
f. Provide names and resumes of key personnel and trainers that will conduct the trainings.
g. Include estimated on site time required to complete the services.
h. Include fee proposal to complete the services outlined in this request, Bidding shall be in ILS.

Location of Study & timelines

The proposal should be submitted no later than: 18/06/2020 (Lead time in postage should be taken into consideration from bidders) to:

SOS Children’s Villages, National Office
Nazzal Building- Al-Mahd Street. Bethlehem WB.
Tel: +972 02 276 56 71

Selection Criteria
Cost & Quality Based Selection


المكان قطاع غزة, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 18, Jun, 2020
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