Psychological and Psychosocial Support Consultant


LWF Jerusalem is a country program of the larger Lutheran World Federation based in Geneva, Switzerland. The LWF Jerusalem Program is a multi-faceted program of support and capacity building to the Palestinian people that includes the Augusta      Victoria Hospital, Village Outreach Program, and the Vocational Training Program, which has been operational for over 70 years

The LWF-VTP has two Vocational Training Centers (VTC) in Jerusalem and Ramallah, and has an outreach training in the West Bank including Jerusalem. The LWF-VTP is a well-known Vocational education and training (VET) provider in Palestine, has provided models in VET and Work-Based Learning, is well connected to the       employers and the different stakeholders, and participates through the NGO network in the TVET policy making bodies

The primary purpose of this assignment is to conduct psychological and psychosocial support to students, instructors, and parents in the West Bank  and east Jerusalem, in order  to address the unique circumstances prevalent in Palestine, and to support who have been impacted by the current war and the surrounded political situation widespread in many places that hamper their daily life and impact their emotional    well-being, through relevant interventions, by designing and implementing activities tailored to the needs of the community

Interested Consultants/ Consulting Firms are required to send an e-mail to the below address requesting the RFP Document and highlighting the RFP title in the e-mail subject "Psychological          and Psychosocial Support Consultant" no later than Wednesday 12 June, 2024 

E-mail Address: [email protected]

المكان القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا
موعد الإنتهاء 25, Jun
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