Request for EOI Prequalification of Contractors for the con...




Prequalification of Contractors for the construction of specialized contract packages, Package 2 and 3, as part of the expansion of the EU funded-Southern Gaza Seawater Desalination Plant, SGDP project (Phase II and III)

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the state of Palestine, wishes to invite specialized construction firms with a substantial presence and extensive experience within Gaza, to express their specific interest in: 

Package 2 - Off-Shore Part of the Effluent Discharge Outfall System (including but not limited to the following activities)

Connections to the on-shore part of the effluent discharge outfall system as implemented under Package 1

Installation of pipes inside the sea

Installation of diffuser system.

Alignment and connection with the Phase I Outfall System

and/or also for:

Package 3 - Dedicated Power Transmission Line (4-5MW) (including but not limited to the following activities)

Connections to the national grid system

Installation of power transmission lines

Connection to the plant internal power system and configuration with the available energy sources.

Construction firms with relevant experience interested in offering their services are kindly invited to review the EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)

at : 

And shall submit their Response to EOIs together with the complete supplier profile by e-mail to: [email protected], not later than Monday 16th September 2019 closure of business. 

Please quote [EOI/JERA/2019/WASH/002] as subject in your correspondence.

Attachment Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) - SGDP-Phase II-Package 2 and 3

المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 16, Sep, 2019
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