RFP For A Management Information System


Subject: Request For Proposals (RFP) For A Management Information System

“**Please note the deadline for proposals has been updated from 31 August to 7 September at 5pm BST**”

The West Bank and Gaza Youth Employment Development Impact Bond (DIB) is seeking proposals for the development of a management information system. The DIB is an innovative outcomes-based financing project that will aim to support around 1,500 unemployed Palestinian young people aged 18-29 into training opportunities and/or employment. It will be funded by a group of local and international investors, with the World Bank acting as the outcomes funder. We are seeking providers able to develop a user-friendly, flexible and cost-effective data system which will be used to track participants’ progress through training and employment.

The Request for Proposals can be found on the Finance for Jobs website at: [www.f4j.ps/Resources/129.html]. The deadline for proposals is 5pm BST on 7 September. Please submit proposals and direct any questions to Cheriel Neo at [email protected].

Please check the below link to find the responses to the FAQs that have been received from bidders on the RFP.


المكان قطاع غزة, رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 07, Sep, 2018
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