Schools Adaptation
Handicap International runs projects under its operating name; Humanity & Inclusion (HI), is an international, independent and impartial non-profit organization that intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and vulnerable populations, HI takes action and takes notice, to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
HI invites all experienced contractors classified by the Palestinian Contractors Union to submit their bids for “Adaptation of Eight mainstream schools in Bethlehem & South Hebron Governorates”.
Submission of Bid Documents must be as per the conditions detailed in the Tender Dossier, including:
- Completed bid documents are due to be submitted in a sealed stamped envelope by Thursday 26/11/2020 up to 16:00pm ; only in below address:
Humanity & Inclusion (WB Field Office)
6th Floor, Mikkawi Commercial Center
Al Masayef Eve, Al Ersal St.
Ramallah - Palestine
“Office Opening hours are: Sunday to Thursday 8:00am to 16:00pm”
- It is recommended to request the Tender Dossier as soon as possible.
- Tender Dossier contains all Bid rules and instructions
- Bidders will receive along the Tender dossier further details and explanations about the process.
Interested contractors shall request the Tender dossier by sending an email “address contains the bid number” to the following email: [email protected]; in the period from the date of the bid until Tuesday 17/11/2020 up to 16:00pm. Upon receiving the email “Dossier will be sent within 24 hours “.
HI Looks forward to receiving your email and thank you for your interest.