SPA II Baseline Study




SPA II Baseline Study


ActionAid is part of the international ActionAid alliance (AA), we work with human rights-based development in more than 40 countries and reach more than 25 million of the worlds’ poor.

AADK is embarking on a new four-year funding period from 2022 – 2025 within the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA II) with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida. The six months from January – June 2022 are considered an inception phase during which, AADK works with the 14 ActionAid country partners under the agreement align to the new SPAII theory of change and thematic approaches, while also revising the overall summary results frame. The 14 AA country partners work directly with other local partners to implement the programme across one or more of the thematic priorities of the programme. The SPAII programme’s overall objective is Societies are transformed to become more just, feminist, green, and resilient, and the thematic priorities are expressed through the following 3 strategic objectives:

Strategic objective 1: Young people, especially young women and those facing marginalisation or fragility, enjoy their rights to an open and enabling democratic space and access to well-resourced programmes and public services.

Strategic objective 2: Young people, especially young women and those facing marginalisation or fragility, enjoy a just transition and their right to climate resilient livelihoods.

Strategic objective 3: Young people, especially young women and those facing marginalisation, are resilient to shocks and enjoy their right to protection in fragile contexts, disasters, and protracted crises.


AADK has developed a Summary Results Frame for the overall SPAII programme, and each SPAII AA partner country/region has developed a contextualized Theory of Change and Results Frame based on what is appropriate in their context. To inform the future programmatic results monitoring at both national and global level, a comprehensive Baseline Study needs to be carried out. The Baseline study will consist of a global study, primarily based on data-collection from the 14 SPAII partner countries/regions, but not limited to this. A global level consultant will design the baseline methodology and process, including data collection methods, defining means of verification/data sources, and counting methodology to be applied in all 14 AA partner countries. This consultant will also conduct trainings in this methodology and will support quality assurance of data collected at country level.

Hence, with these Terms of Reference, AA Palestine is looking to hire a national consultant to perform data collection for our national baseline study based on the design from the global consultant as well as data on any additional identified indicators in our results frame. The collected data will feed into the global study.

Timeline & Expected Outputs

The assignment is expected to take place from August to September 2022 and is estimated to require a total of approximately 20 working days.


The consultant is expected to have experience and relevant credentials in:

Demonstrated experience in baseline study design, including selecting methodology appropriate for the project’s-specific factors, sampling, applying a mixed methods approach, developing/revising participatory data collection tools, developing data quality protocols and training enumerators

Demonstrated 10 years’ experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, MEAL and quality assurance work.

Thorough understanding of the context in Palestine with a specific focus on climate justice, Gender Responsive Public Services, youth civic and democratic participation and leadership in context of protracted conflict.

Experienced in conducting baseline studies using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods as well as coordinating and training data collectors

Experienced in contextualising and elaborating counting methodologies and data collection processes and tools.

Working with result data collection and monitoring of rights-based, policy-influencing and advocacy interventions

Conducting participatory and inclusive collaborative processes across different organisations, stakeholders and constituents.

Fluency in English a requirement. Arabic language as a mother tongue.

Relevant thematic experience within youth rights, social movement work, climate justice, GRPS is an advantage.

Expression of Interest (EoI)

Candidates should submit an Expression of Interest by 28 July 2022 by email to [email protected]  

The EoI should include:

Cover letter including the consultant’s/firm’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information

Technical offer: detailed response to TOR, with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology to be used and key selection criteria (max. 5 pages)

Financial offer: consultancy fee using daily fees and other relevant expenses related to the task.

A CV or CV’s if more than one consultant in the team

An example of similar work done

Prerequisites for accepting financial offers:

Prices are inclusive of value added tax for establishments officially registered with the Ministry of Finance; while for individuals and non-profit institutions, the offered prices will be subject to a 5% deduction for income tax.

Applicants must submit a reduction from source certificate along with the offer.

Prices are to be submitted in USD and are valid for 30 days starting from the applications’ closing date.

The quotation must be detailed and based on the work mechanism proposed by the consultant.

Interested applicant can obtain the Baseline Study Terms of Reference by contacting ActionAid Palestine Head of Programs at [email protected] from Wednesday 20th July until Monday 25th of July 2022, excluding Friday and Saturday. Please indicate this in the mail subject [SPA2- Baseline Study].

ActionAid offers equal opportunities for all. ActionAid Palestine is committed to SHEA (Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse) and safeguarding overarching principles.

المكان الخليل
موعد الإنتهاء 25, Jul, 2022
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