Stigma and obstacles to access to mental health for childhoo...


Terms of Reference (ToR)

Communications and Research Consultancy: 

“Stigma and obstacles to access to mental health for childhood in Gaza”


The aim of the AECID (Spanish Cooperation) project “Mejora de la capacidad de la población vulnerable palestina para afrontar y superar la crisis prolongada” /"Improving the capacity of the vulnerable Palestinian population to cope with and overcome the protracted crisis“ is to improve the institutional capacity of public health and education services to provide quality and equitable mental health services to children and adolescents in Rafah and Khan Younis Governorates in the Gaza Strip.

 The project is funded by the Spanish Cooperation (AECID).

This consultancy will contribute to the achievement of Output #3 of the project which is: Improving sensitivity of civil society and political actors on the consequences of the blockade and exposure to violence in protection and child and adolescents Mental Health in Gaza Strip.


The application procedure consists of two stages: 

Initial selection 

Interested candidates must send the following application documents by e-mail to [email protected] 

  1. CV and motivation letter (in a separate document); 
  2. Technical proposal, including detailed methodology, research plan, calendar of activities and a clear identification of roles and responsibilities in case of a team of experts.
  3. Economic proposal with detailed budget in NIS or EUR, including any taxes that have to be paid to the fiscal authorities by the contracted expert(s). The budget proposal will not exceed the amount of 4.000 EUR.
  4. Preferable: Two relevant research analysis samples (one preferably on a subject related to mental health);
  5. Please note in the case of a team of experts or institution research, the application folder must contain CVs institution’s, previous research work, letters of motivations and preferable two relevant work samples. 
  6. Only selected candidates will be contacted by email by the 20th of March, 2021.

Attachment: Terms of Reference (ToR)

المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 13, Mar, 2021
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