

The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development – REFORM is a Palestinian NGO that works in the fields of empowerment, local development, and social transformation. Seeking to promote inclusion and social solidarity in Palestine through empowering marginalized hard-to-reach groups, and structural reform. REFORM aims to enhance the social and political participation of marginalized hard- to-reach groups and community activism, to facilitate equal access to public utilities through strengthening the capabilities of young and women, and to provide a reliable database for the political and administrative decision makers in Palestine.

Needed Background:

•        Master's degree as a minimum in the field of planning or management or in any related field.

•        At least 5 years of experience in strategic planning, formulation and design of strategic plans for non-governmental organizations.

•        At least 5 years of experience in preparing change methodologies.

•        Experience in organization and change management is a plus.

•        Deep knowledge of the nature of the work of the Palestinian civil society associations.

•        Advanced knowledge in the field and reality of NGO’s in the Palestinian camps.

•        The ability to facilitate the strategic plan preparation sessions with the target audience

•        Advanced knowledge of the Palestinian political and social context.

•        Excellent communication and facilitation skills

•        Provide REFORM with previous similar work like strategic plans

The general objective: preparing strategic plans and methodologies for managing change for the strategic plan of two Associations: (Aida Youth Center Association, and the Balata Media Center of the Balata Camp Services People’s Committee) in addition to facilitating a conceptual workshop for the Innovation Hub.

Specific required tasks:

Holding a meeting or meetings - according to the work methodology specified by the expert in coordination with the work team of the three associations in order to discuss the scope of the task and any other matters.

Conducting a desk review of all documents related to the three associations, in addition to other data from other parties.

Facilitate reflection workshops.

Determining the work paths of the current and future participating associations.

Conducting a structural, cultural and resource analysis (work environment, available structures, financial resources, human resources, partnerships and potential financing cooperation).

Preparing a strategic plan for the nature of the work of the associations that clarifies the goals and objectives that reflect the vision, mission, values, strategic goals, strategies

interventions and indicators for the Aida Youth Social Center and the Media Center for Balata camp.

Conducting 2 theory of change for the participating associations.

Delivering a technical report on the innovation hub in English


Delivering the strategic framework and plan, which includes the vision, mission, values, strategic objectives, strategies, interventions and indicators to the Aida Youth Social Center and the media center of Balata camp.

Handing over the matrix for analyzing external and internal challenges and opportunities to the Aida Youth Social Center and the media center of Balata camp.

Plan and discuss the suggested one-day retreat workshop.

Give theories of change to the Aida Youth Social Center and the media center of Balata camp.

Facilitate the thinking workshops of the three associations.

Note: The expert will be accompanied by one of our colleagues to complete the development of the strategic plan and the theory of change.

General Terms:

That the strategic objectives that will be worked on be implementable and measurable.

The strategy should help in identifying the risks, opportunities and threats that may face the institutions and how to overcome them, and to develop hypothetical solutions and alternatives.

All required documents must be submitted in Arabic.

Font size 14 simplified Arabic, spelling and grammatically checked.

The time period for preparing plans is from March to the end of May 2023.

Place of Implementation: Ramallah, Jericho, or/and Nablus, as determined by the first party.

Submission Criteria:

Individuals who meet the needed background and are interested in implementing the training. Kindly see the below mentioned requirements for applying.


Technical offer must include:

Work methodology 30%

Time frame for Action Plan 10%

Resume should be sent in English with work experience. (Resumes with a personal picture will not be considered) 30%


Price offer should be drafted in English and submitted in EURO per day (8 hours) including transportation. All taxes must be included in the final price.


Financial and technical offer must be submitted in English and signed/or stamped in the offer should be in separate sealed envelopes by hand to the following address:


The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development- REFORM, Tirawi Building, 2nd floor in Al Masyoun, Ramallah.


Registration in the organization's electronic procurement system through the link: REFORM (econnect.ps)

Those wishing to participate in the preparation of the plan and who meet the above conditions should submit their financial and technical offers in the sealed envelope to the address of the Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development REFORM-, located in Ramallah, Al-Masyoun, Al-Tirawi Building, second floor no later than Thursday 09.03.2023 until 02:00 in the afternoon, taking into account the following:


REFORM is not obliged to choose the lowest price.

Individuals are only accepted.

Individuals can submit a valid deduction on source certificate or else 10% the total payment will be deducted as income tax.

We will be evaluating each applicant based on the following weights:

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following contact details:

Telefax: 02-2966645, Email: [email protected]

المكان القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية
موعد الإنتهاء 09, Mar, 2023
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