
Tender Announcement

Invitation to Bid

Tender Supply and Delivery of Pharmaceuticals

Tender CARE-WB-FY25-SA0027 "Supply and Delivery of Pharmaceuticals”  

1. CARE International in West Bank and Gaza is an international, nonprofit, organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis.

2. With funding from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), in partnership with Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) and PMRS, CARE International in Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is implementing the project “Enhancing Access and Quality of Healthcare in West Bank, Area C, through Mobile Clinics and Capacity Building.” The project aims to improve healthcare access for vulnerable populations affected by conflict, particularly women, girls, and people with disabilities in Area C.

3. CARE International WBG would like to invite sealed bids from eligible and qualified suppliers who are officially registered locally in the field of Pharmaceuticals, in accordance with the terms and conditions, Bill of Quantities (BOQs) presented within the tender.

4. Suppliers may quote for any item in the BOQs under this invitation, given that all items within BOQ MUST be priced individually.

The evaluation process will be based on quality and lowest price.". Given that, CARE has the right to increase/decrease the quantities without any additional cost or drop any or all quantities mentioned in the BOQ in this tender, and/or to award each item/BOQ totally or partially. 

5. All interested suppliers can obtain a copy of the tender documents the official working hours (9:00 am – 3:00 pm) from September 23rd, 2024, to October 6th 2024 at 15:00 o’clock In the address presented below.


If you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE  to check the tender document

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 06, Oct
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