Supply & Delivery of Local Recreational Kits to UNICEF Wareh...



For “Supply & Delivery of Local Recreational Kits to UNICEF Warehouse in Gaza City in the Gaza Strip/State of Palestine" 

Please consider the following:

Sealed offers are to be submitted to the UNICEF Office in Gaza, UNDP Building before 28th April 2022 at 15:00 hrs. Jerusalem time.

Use the attached Excel file for pricing ONLY. (Annex B-Pricing sheet LITB-2021-9174277) Then print, sign, stamp, and enclose it with your offer. Only Annex B is acceptable for pricing. (الرجاء استخدام الملحق رقم ب للتسعير  ... لن يتم الاخذ بالاعتبار اي عرض لايتحوي على الملحق ب

Due to the nature of the bid, bidders need to submit together with the offer a Sample for the kit in a bag and send the pictures for each sub-item with the offer.

Additionally, it is important to quote a realistic delivery Leadtime as this procurement is bound by a time-constrained funding source.

Prices should be in Israeli Shekels (NIS) excluding VAT.

All products should be inspected by the receiving officer/s before issuing the final invoice.

The validity of offers should be for 120 days.

Where possible UNICEF is requesting bid validity of up to 12 months for any additional quantities other than specified in this tender.

The Incoterms will be DAP – UNICEF Warehouse in Gaza City.

Please read carefully the Special notes in the bid (page # 21).

For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Tender Doc.

المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 28, Apr, 2022
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