Supplying and Delivering Pharmaceuticals (Al Makassed Hospit...


“Supplying and Delivering Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for the
benefit of Al Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem.”
Bid No: 2023-10169-03-MH-WB

25 March 2023

United Palestinian Appeal, Inc. (UPA), a 501(c) (3) New York-registered non-profit
organization, with headquarters in Washington, DC. Established in 1978 by PalestinianAmerican professionals, UPA was conceived as a non-political, non-sectarian organization that would help Palestinians meet their relief and development needs.

UPA is currently implementing the project “Fortifying the Palestinian Medical Sector -
Phase 2” and would like to invite for a bid from eligible and qualified suppliers who are
officially registered locally in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies and
who have past experience in supplying and delivering pharmaceuticals and medical
supplies to health facilities in Jerusalem.

The items under this tender will be delivered directly to Al Makassed hospital in
Jerusalem. Given that, the supplier will be fully responsible for all procedures and costs
required to ensure the timely and effective supplying and delivery of all items procured,
and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this tender.

Interested qualified companies are invited to receive the bid document by sending an
email to [email protected] with the subject: “request of bid documents Al Makassed
Hospital” starting from 25 March 2023.

- Publishing and advertising fees shall be borne by the company/companies that
win the bid.
- Bid bank guarantee with 5% of the bid value should be submitted in hand at
UPA’s office in Ramallah on or before the deadline of bid submission. A scanned
copy of the bank guarantee should also be included in the bid documents
submitted via email.
- Means of bid submission: Email ONLY ([email protected]).

Deadline for Bids Submission: On or before Sunday, 2 April 2023, at 12:00 MidDay, Palestine time. Note: In any way, late bids will not be accepted.

المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 02, Apr, 2023
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