Support in deploying the Association Membership Software sol...


Private Sector Tourism Development Programme (PSDP)

Call for Proposals: Support in deploying the Association Membership Software solution “GlueUp” for up to 2 local tourism-related associations in East Jerusalem.

The Private Sector Development Program (PSDP), implemented by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) in the Palestinian Territories and funded by the German Ministry of International Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aims to strengthen the economic development in the Palestinian Territories and to improve the competitiveness and resilience of Palestinian businesses with a special focus on SME (Small to Medium Sized enterprises). 

GIZ has been commissioned by the BMZ to implement a support program for the Palestinian tourism value chain in East Jerusalem. The program is co-funded by the European Union and has an envisioned runtime in its initial phase of 36 months. The East Jerusalem Tourism Development Programme (EJTDP) which is implemented by PSDP  provides technical support to Palestinian tourism business and individuals to advance the realization of the vision of East Jerusalem as a flourishing and internationally marketed Palestinian city travel destination embedded in the Palestinian tourism value chain, attracting group and individual travelers with a diverse and competitive portfolio of touristic services, products, attractions, cultural assets and experiences featuring and deepening the Palestinian identity and heritage of East Jerusalem and increasing the total turnover of tourism and tourism-related businesses.


  • Familiarize with GlueUp, EJTDP, and the associations and baseline documentation.
  • Provide support in deploying the AMS solution “GlueUp” for up to 2 local tourism-related associations in East Jerusalem

Within this context, EJTDP seeks qualified locally registered individuals to submit their bids to carry out the assignment.

Interested individuals can download tender documents starting 18.12.2022 through 27.12.2022 from our website

Bids should be sent to the e-mail [email protected] no later than 31.12.2022 before 15:00.
Bids submitted in original or to a different e-mail address, will be refused.

Offers will be assessed technically using the “Grid for the technical assessment” that is downloadable from the above-mentioned website.

Bids submitted in paper form or to a different e-mail address, will be disregarded. Late submissions will not be considered.

Kindly state in the e-mail subject line the following:
Support in deploying AMS for EJTDP” / Tender Nr. 83428840

المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 31, Dec, 2022
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