Support the role of the NDC Climate Finance and Fund-Raising...
Reference No: PSE22004-10036
Country: Palestine
Title: Consultancy service to support the role of the NDC Climate Finance and Fund-Raising Expert in Palestine”- PSE22004-10036
You can download the tender documents and all annexes at the following address:Public procurement - Enabel - Belgian Development Agency |, then selecting country: Palestinian Territory. Or you can download the documents from HERE
Tenders must be delivered to the address mentioned below on 08/02/2024, before 04:00 pm.
Ramallah office: Royal Center, 7th Floor, Al Balou’, Mecca Street, Al Bireh - Ramallah and Al Bireh Governorate +972 (0)2 242 1137
القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا, سلفيت وبديا, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية, طوباس, روابي
موعد الإنتهاء
08, Feb, 2024
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